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Cassie's outfit

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Cassie's outfit

Cassie's outfit

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Cassie's Pov

The next morning I woke up with a groan but instantly my eyes widened as I realized where I was and remembered what I had done last night and my eyes darted towards the body besides me and my face dropped as I saw Kai laying in bed, staring up at me as the blanket covered his bottom half.

"Good morning." He spoke and for a moment I let my eyes wander elsewhere before quickly shaking it off and taking in a deep breathe as I had prepared for what I was about to do. Immediately I had felt guilty for what I had done, I had sex with Kai last night but all I could about was Stefan, I hat felt like I was betraying him or something.

Quickly rolling off the bed I let out a slight scream and started searching around for my underwear, as if I could just get dressed and run but I was the one who had lived here.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked and I watched as the bed moved slightly making me shake my head.

"No, No!" I exclaimed quickly, not wanting him to see my body for even a second, It's a little late for that, cassie. "I'm fine, just stay there."

"Ok, Ok." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him before quickly looking around for my bra and underwear around the room. "Are all the girls around here this weird?"

I spotted my underwear and quickly pulled them towards me before pulling them up my legs, but I suddenly stopped as memories from last night flashed through my mind.

My eyes widened in realization before I quickly peaked at the bed to see that Kai was holding my bra between his two fingers with a small smirk on his lips and I instantly let out a groan.

"Looking for this?" He teased and I quickly stood up, covering chest with my arms before moving towards him and going to take my bra from his hands but he quickly pulled me back, pressing his lips onto mine.

I instantly pulled back, "Kai, I can't."

"You can't?" He asked in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows and I let out a deep breathe as I shook my head at the man.

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