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Me: and.... we are back online! *does happy dance*

Kyoya: would you mind telling me AGAIN how you broke your laptop?

Me: I told you this so many times I accidentially spilled green tea on it. I didnt mean to do it. if there is anyone to blame blame the twins

Twins: hey all we did was come up behind you and ask you a question.

me: well I didn't know you were behind me. anyways back to the game. I am happy to anounce that someone by the name of Ash has asked one of you a question. Congrats on being the first one. ^-^

*clapping comes from nowhere*

Me: wierd... okay this one is for Honey-senpai.

Honey:*turns with a fork full of cake* huh?

ME: honey are you ready for your question?

Honey: uh-huh

me: okay Ash asks,"Honey,if you had to choose between cake and keeping Mori as your friend and cousin, what would you choose?"

Everyone:*looks at Honey*

Honey: uh.....i dont know. cant I pick both?

Me:nope. sorry Honey but you're going to have to pick one or the other.

Hikaru: I think hes going to pick the cake.

Kaoru: Bet you five bucks he says Mori

Hikaru: your on

Me: will you two hush up. Geez your louder than my little honey do you ave an answer?

Honey: um..... I choose.........CAKE!!!!

me: =__=" of course.... the person has spoken.

Hikaru: HA!!! I told you so. pay up.

Kaoru: *hands him a five* you won fair and square.

Me: shut up you two before I rip your throats out. Mori are you okay?

mori is in emo corner

ME: well i am going to go comfort Mori. stay tuned.

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