Boarding school

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So hey! This is the stoey I have until my writers block for the other book goes away!

Hope you like it!

Oh, and one last thing: It's after the war with Kronos and before Heroes of Olympus!

So...Let's get on to the story.

My life is pretty much the awesomest thing ever.

But not always.

"But dad!"

"No Reyna, it's dangerous for you to go out into the world." My father, Poseidon said.

Yep, I'm a demigod.

"I just want to go to school, have friends and have good times!"

Dad sighed. Hera appeared.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"She wants to go to school in the mortal world and have mortal friends." Dad said. Hera looked at me and smiled.

Yes, smiled.

Hera and I actually get along pretty well, something that is rare among demigods.

"You should let her see the world, she has to live like normal people, have a normal life for a while." Said Hera. I smiled at her. My dad sighed.

"Fine, you'll go to a boarding school, for a month only, and then I'll take you to Camp Ha-" he shut his mouth. "Camp what?" I asked. "Nothing." he said. I looked at him weirdly and then smiled.

"Thanks dad." I said and hugged him.

"Pack your bags, you're leaving today." He said.

I ran upstairs. Did I mention I lived in his underwater palace? I entered my room and prepared a suitcase with my stuff. When I mean stuff, I mean my skate, my drawing pad, my big earphones, my phone, my computer and my Dj'ing equipment.

Yep, I liked Djing.

I also packed some clothing, a few shirts, jeans, sneakers and basically that. I changed (I was in pajamas) into a pair of jeans, my converse shoes, a black shirt that said "Rock n' roll, rocking your life since forever." and my sort of dark red hoodie. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and put the necklace my dad gave me, with a mini trident, and waited for my dad. He appeared a few minutes later and took me to school.

We arrived to the school at recess time, the school was called Madison's boarding school for teens. I guessed there was going to be a lot of people my age. I entered the school and the secretary told me my room number. She told me that each room was for three people of the same gender each. My room number was 247, and it was upstairs, as all the othe rooms were.

When I entered, I inmediatly knew I was going to like being here.

Two girls where standing there talking. They both looked at me and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Liz, what's your name?" One of the girls asked, sticking out her hand. She was a freckly redhead with green eyes. Her hair was cut sort and was in a bob. She was girly, that I could see from the way she decorated her side of the room.

"Mi name is Reyna." I said shaking her hand.

"Hi Reyna, my name is Emma." Said the other one and I shook hands with her. She had very sort black hair and blue eyes. She was totally punk, she was wearing a pink with cuadricles miniskirt, a shirt with the sleeves ripped, and a piercing in her ear.

"So, I'm guessing my bed is the one in the middle?" I asked and the nodded. I put my suitcase on top of my bed and took my stuff out. I placed my computer on the desk there was beside the bed, I also put my Dj equipment there with my eadphones. I hanged my skateboard and pasted some rock and Dj posters.

Reyna Jackson, daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now