Chapter 22

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            Three more days passed, and Trisk had not woken yet. Several of her wounds had healed very well, leaving few scars on her skin. Meric had stayed by her side the whole time, and smiled at her condition. He knew her time as a Jedi would have given her several scars and a few more wouldn't matter to her, but he was glad that she was doing better.

He had even wondered if maybe she was using the Force to heal herself slowly, thus the reason she was slow on waking up. He wasn't certain, but the Kolto and Baca were helping her heal as well. The only things that were staying longer were the deep bruises along her back and side of her body. Once she woke up, Meric knew he had to ask what had happened.

A wave of exhaustion hit him after all this time. Leaning back in his chair, he let his eyes drift shut. He was half a sleep when he heard a shift in the bed in front of him.

"Meric?" A voice in a whispered tone called to him.

His eyes snapped open, causing him to loose balance and fall back in his chair. He hit the ground, hard. Letting out a small groan he looked at the bed.

Trisk was staring at him, holding out her hand to him, as if she tried to catch his chair before he fell. She was awake. He got up in a flash and walked over to her, grabbing her hand.

"Welcome back." He stated with a small smile.

"Where are we?" She asked.

Meric looked around. "My old room on Mandalore. This is my parent's house."

Pip woke up at her voice and let out a squeal of joy before climbing up her arm and nuzzling her cheek. She smiled and gingerly placed a hand on her droid. She was happy to see them both again.

"Is she awake?" Rikillo asked from the other room.

Meric called back. "Yes."

"Ori'jate!" She exclaimed. "We're having Tingilar tonight!"

Meric walked over to the door with a worried look. "Are you certain that's a good idea?"

"You know that a woman who can survive my Tingilar is one that needs to be kept around." His mother called.

Trisk let out a laugh, but soon regretted it as her body retaliated with a burst of pain. She couldn't double over, but her hand grasped the blanket and she let out a groan. Meric looked back at her and went over to help in any way he could.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, pulling the chair back up and sitting back down.

She looked up at the ceiling. "I hurt, everywhere."

"What happened on that ship?" He asked.

"They locked me up," she started. "After a while, Thrawn came and had me escorted to an interrogation room where I was knocked out. I woke up later and saw that they had done something, but I don't know what. I decided to escape and used my Force Abilities to get out. I went and got my sabers from Thrawn and after that everyone was alerted that I got out. I had to fight my way to a ship. They even blew one up to prevent me from taking it. That explosion gave me these." She indicated to the bruises. "After that, I focused on getting to a ship. Got hit a few times and flew off. They trailed me for a bit until I was able to enter hyperspace. After that, it's a little blurry. I think I was able to send out a distress signal and then everything went black."

"It probably wasn't long after that when Rix found you." Meric stated.

"How long have I been out?" She asked.

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