Ch 4- Shizzzzzzz I am caught

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Janelle's POV


I am now gonna start putting dates on...
Anyways back to the story...

I was stuffing my face with chicken from Nandos. (idk if its chicken I think they sell chicken) I looked at my watch. Shizzz it was 10:00. I decided that I would go pack my carry on bag for when Nightmare comes. I excused my self from the table. I ran up the stairs to my room. I looked on my desk and there was an IPhone 6 and a note that said Janelle, we are giving you a phone and we are going shopping tomorrow.(Oh! my gawd the iPhone came out two days ago for where I live) I was so tempted to use it but I would wait until I got to camp. I was folding my clothes and putting it in my Under Armor bag when Harry came in. He came in and asked why are you packing?? I never answered. I faked a yawn and said that I was going to sleep. Harry asked why so early? Oh I am really tired I answered. Harry left me alone. I finished packing and then I heard Nightmare (a pic of her is on the side) neighing. I quickly threw my sweater on and grabbed my bag. I opened the window and jumped into the swimming pool. I got out and saw Nightmare standing there. I quickly got on her back and we flew of to Long Island, New Jersey.

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