(Jikook) Injury

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*Jimin POV*


Easily the most stressful part of our jobs.

It's hours and hours of endless practice. Strict diets. Hair makeovers and praying it doesn't all snap off from the amount of bleach and heat that gets applied to it. Sleepless nights. Stress of remembering all the new lyrics and dance routines to go along with it. Making sure we can sing and dance at the same time without getting breathless. All whilst making sure we maintain our general health.

There's only one thing that keeps me sane. The knowledge that at the end of every day, I'm in my Jungkooks arms, in his bed, getting his kisses. No one knows, it's not that we don't trust them, we just like having our own world to escape into.

Half of the group had gone to the studio a little earlier than the rest of us. We told them we would meet them there in an hour or two. It meant only me Yoongi and Jin were left at the house. I was ready to go, we were just waiting for Yoongi to finish his breakfast.

"Right let's go" he mumbled as he shoved the last mouthful in

But as I grabbed my bag my phone rang in my pocket.

"Hey Joon, we're on our way"

"Don't bother. Kook fell and hurt his back. He can't move. We're on our way home, he's with the doctor"

"What?! Tell him be right there. Don't move him"

"Jimin no-" I didn't let him finish as I ran out the house and into the nearest car.

As soon as I pulled up to the studio I ran inside, pushing anyone out of the way and into the dance room. I saw a huddle of people on the floor and soft whimpers from Kook. I noticed the on call doctor was with him, slowly moving his legs so they were straight. I ran over to him, skidding on my knees slightly, immediately planting a kiss on his hair.

"Everyone move away. Let's give him some space" Tae shouted over the noises.

I always get the vibe he knows there is something more between me and kook, if that's the case he will know I don't want anyone else in here other than those who need to be.

And much to my relief he ushered out all of the stylists, hair and makeup people, Extra sound and music staff, all the cameras and staff that isn't our managers. Leaving us with only the band members, minus Jin and Yoongi since I left them at the house, our managers and the doctors.

Tae gave me a small smile and a nod before standing by Namjoon and talking quietly about Kook.

"Jimin..." kooks soft whimper snapped me back to main issue here

"Okay... it's okay. I'm here baby. Don't move. Listen to the doctor"

"Thank you for getting here so quick" he whispered and reached for my hand

"Baby?" I heard Namjoon whispered in shock

"Not the time Joon. That's not the most important thing right now" I snapped at him a little too quick, almost immediately regretting it but I was too focused on Kook to care about not hurting his feelings a little.

"Can you take a deep breath in for me?" The doctor asked, Kook nodded and squeezed my hand before breathing in

"So proud of you Kook. I'm right here. You're going to be okay"

"I can't feel my leg Jimin" he sobbed softly and covered his eyes with his arm

"Stay calm beautiful. You'll be fine. I'll always look after you" I didn't care if I ended up exposing our relationship to everyone. Kooks my absolute world and without him I wouldn't be where I am today. He deserves to have a boyfriend who shows him off, kisses him in front of others, isn't afraid to express his love. "I love you. I love you so much"

"I love you" he whispered and took a deep, shaky breath in.

"Can you feel that?" The doctor asked as he pinched over Jungkooks thigh.

"A little. Not as much as I should" he replied and the doctor seemed to sigh in relief at his answer

"Okay. I think best thing to do is to go to hospital. Get a scan, make sure nothing is serious and take it from there. My guess right now is that you either have a slipped disk or small fracture. Either one shouldn't prevent you from doing anything. Only for a few weeks. I'm going to call for an ambulance so they can carry you on a stretcher. Don't move"

"Thank you" I smiled at the doctor and then back to Kook. I could see he was starting to cry as his lip was wobbling and his nostrils flared a little. "Don't worry baby. We're all here for you"

"I just feel like I'm letting you down"

"Not even remotely" I comforted him and kissed his hair.


5 hours later we were back at home with Kook on strict bed rest. The doctor agreed he could come to the dance practices but not allowed to actually dance, only watch and observe.

I held Kook close to me as we got into bed. We all agreed that we didn't feel like going back to practice after the stress today and that we should all take some well deserved personal time.

"I'm sorry" he smiled and pulled me in for a gentle kiss

"You will be. Scared me to death. Hearing that you couldn't move and I wasn't right by your side was awful. As soon as you're better I'm kicking your ass for not noticing you was going too hard on yourself"

"Okay" he giggled and kissed me again "I guess I deserve that. Thank you for getting there so quick though"

"You know I'd be anywhere you needed me as soon as I could"

"I also suppose everyone knows about us now"

"Yeah... Namjoon and Tae definitely do. So they probably tell the others. We never have secrets for long in the house" I smiled and stroked my thumb over his cheek "how do you feel about them knowing?"

"Okay... has good and bad sides. At least I get to show off that you belong to me now. I don't have to just secretly hold your hand or try and plan everything so I'm next to you in vans or cars. I get to just tell the others that it's is us two. We'll be able to request hotel rooms together. All sorts. But... also means the managers will be on strict watch with us to make sure we don't slip up in public. Everything we had been doing that people saw as fan service will be viewed so differently. I'm not ready for that to stop"

"Then we won't let it. Everything will be the same. We'll make sure of it. I love you so much beautiful"

"I love you too" he smiled and gently pulled me on top of him to kiss him properly.

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