Chapter Two: Pranks And Good Morning Kisses

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Authors Note:

Sorry for not updating, school has been really time consuming! I will be updating a whole lot more soon!


When Rev came home it was 3:45 am. He knew the schedules of the night patrols, what streets to take, and what streets to avoid.

He was like a robber, committing a crime of forbidden love.

And he wasn't going to stop.

The limette made it into his house, knowing that his father was out cold. He might have poured some type of sedative into his evening glass of water... Even that thought made Rev chuckle to himself. Now he got to wake him up any way he wanted.

Going to his room first, he snatched a small camera tht was as big as a thumbnail. He placed it on his father's dresser, getting a clear view of his bed and the man sleeping in it.

He had silver hair, and blue eyes. Rev was always a mommy's boy, stole her good looks and his father's as well. His dad was a total ass, think Scrouge pre three ghosts of Christmas visit. Ever since mom left he became a hermit and boy it sucked.

Hitting play on the tiny device he went over to his dad, bending over by ear.

"Hey Dad... Daaad~"

"Hmn...?" His dad mumbled, his eyes moving around under his eyelids.

"GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT OF BED YOU SLEPT IN!" His father jumped, his eyes flying open with a yelp of startlement. Rev backed up before his father shot up, glaring at him. He knew he was in for it, but the amused smirk across Rev's lips showed tht he really didn't give a fuck. He grabbed the camera and bolted out the door, laughing.

"REV YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE AND GIVE ME THAT DAMN CAMERA!" His father ran after him, furious.

Rev slid down the sleek metal banister to the floor below, known as his domain. His father knew well enough not to venture down the stairs. He lived upstairs, Rev lived downstairs.

Rev wasn't mooching off his father either, his father didn't trust him on his own was all. Rev sauntered to the kitchen triumphantly, grabbing some soda and crashing onto the couch. Rev just watched some tv, passing the morning hours and hearing his dad leave for work. Around five a.m. he sent Circuit a text.

To:My Artificial Lover

Good morning beautiful~

He was in the middle of taking a shower when his phone buzzed. Quickly hopping.out of the shower and toweling off, he snatched up his device and he checked it.

From: My Artificial Lover

You and your good morning texts, when am I going to get a nice good morning kiss?

Rev frowned softly at the text. He wanted to be there to kiss Circuit good morning, yet he just couldn't. One day he will... The older male called the other, the phone being picked up before the first ring.

"Soon Circ, I promise you..."

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