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I own all rights to this story please do not attempt to copy it or steal it.

Copyright © 2010 R.H Beechwood

All rights reserved

*** A/N ... Hi! This is my first attempt at writing so I have no idea whether I am any good at it or not but it's a passion of mine and I woke up with this idea in my head one day and I just had to write it here goes!!  

The name of the book is a work in progress as I just can't seem to find anything that fits so any suggestions for a name are gratefully received.  

Anyway, please comment and vote and please be kind this is my first attempt, although I have uploaded this before I am a perfectionist so removed it for some serious editing. This story is very intricate with detail and I want to get it right, maybe I should of chose something more simple for my first attempt, rather than something with a lot of background story that I have to try and remember when writing each chapter! But hey ho I've started now and I like a challenge so let's see how it goes. The more you comment the quicker I upload! I hope you enjoy it...see you on the other side :) ***

March, the month of Mars, often regarded as the month to resume war. Ironic.

2005 was the year that changed everything.

The 3rd March 2005 was the day man and monster went to war. The day man stood with courage and determination to defend the earth from death and tragedy. To stand against the murderers of wives and mothers, husbands and fathers, relations and friends.  

The world had become ravaged with disease, disease brought by the monsters who hunted humankind. Monsters who two years before this day, in the month of war, did not exist in the eyes or the mind of the human race. Monsters that hid in the shadows until they rose up, unafraid, coiled and ready to unleash their torrent of terror upon the earth.  

For twenty nights man and monster fought in secret. At night when humanity would sleep, war would resume in the hills, deserts and barren lands. Weapons clashed and blood was spilled, until one child ended it all. A girl of twelve years old, unlike any other human girl, unbeknownst to her or anybody else, she was the key that would end the war that decimated the earth. She would become a prisoner of her gift, many would hunt her and many would fight to protect her. But her heart was pure and her gift was powerful, for she, this girl of twelve could stop the monsters. She could control their thirst and their need to kill, she could cure the disease that ravaged through their veins, that coursed through their dead heart. Until one day she disappeared.  

The monsters that had slipped back into the shadows fearful of the girl, disappeared, the world once more was at peace...for now.  

But the monsters were on the rise, recouping their numbers and preparing for the fight, for the war, for the hunt. For they knew that she was still out there, somewhere. The girl of twelve with the gift, the key, the power that could cure them of the disease, that would make them weak, that would take away their strength, their speed, remove their inhuman senses, the cure that would make them human. The monsters could not allow this. They did not want to be cured, they did not want to be weak, they did not want to be ...human.  

One monster, the best of his kind, the fastest and the strongest, hunted the girl. Using all of his skills learned and mastered over years and years of walking this earth learning to be the best he could be. He tirelessly pursued her for seven years. Walking the earth for any clue to her whereabouts, he would not give up, he could not. This monster was strong in body and mind, he was also stubborn and pride engulfed him, he would not return empty handed. He would not fail...he must succeed, he must find her. He was a beast, not human, not weak, but a monster, a beast, a myth and a legend...a vampire.

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