Chapter 9

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You woke up the next morning cuddling with hayes on the bed. He was so cute when he slept, his hair was messy, his mouth was open a bit, he was perfect. You didn't want to wake him, so you just stayed there and looked at him. You where so happy to have such a caring boyfriend. You loved him so much and he was always there for you. You only had 2 days left with him until you had go go back to your house. Hayes woke up while you where thinking about going home. You looked sad. "What are you thinking about beautiful?" Hayes said kissing you on the forehead. "Just going home." You said trying to keep the tears in your eyes. "Do you not like home?" Hayes said worried. "No.." You lifted your shirt and showed him your back. There where whip marks. "OMG (y/n)! Are those whip marks?" He said very worried and sad. "Yes hayes, my parents beat me." You said starting to cry. "Oh my gosh. (Y/n) we need to tell the cops!" He said standing up and getting a shirt on. "No! Hayes we can't. MORE IN COMMENTS!

My dad treats me that if I ever tell anyone and the cops find out he will shoot me." You said crying. "Oh he won't." Hayes said grabbing some clothes for you. "Yes he will, he shot my brother" you said now bawling. "H-he was m-my best friend." You said crying more that ever. Hayes came over to hug you. "(Y/n) the cops don't know any of this?" He asked hugging you tighter than ever. "No.." You said trying to calm down. "We will tell them, I will keep you safe I promise" hayes said kissing your forehead and wiping the tears off of your face. Hayes went down stairs to ask if Nash could drive us to the police department. You guys got in the car. When you got there you went into an office and told them the whole story again. That same day you drove with the police to your house. "We will take it from here, please do not come out of the car." An officer said. They knocked on the door and your dad answered. They talked to him for a bit then took both your mom and dad out of the house. "You are under arrest for killing your son and abusing your daughter." They said putting handcuffs on them and bringing them in the car. Your dad saw you and gave you a look like he wanted to kill you. You just smiled and gave him the finger. You and hayes laughed and the cops drove away with your parents in one car and the other cops stayed with you so you could pack your stuff. "So since your boyfriend here saves your butt, we will let you live with his parents" they said smiling. "OMG!! Yay!" You said smiling. You packed all of your stuff and headed to cams house again.

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