Chapter 22

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You woke up you your phone beeping. It was 6am and your flight left at 8am. You and hayes both got dressed. You wore some light grey sweats and a red hoodie. You guys said bye to the family and headed to the airport with nash. "Do you guys have everything?" Nash asked while looking in the backseat to you and hayes. "Yeah!" You and hayes both said at the same time. You finally got to the airport. Your flight took off in 1hr so you guys had to hurry and go through security and all that stuff. Once you finally went through security you got some Starbucks and all 3 of you sat down. After a couple of minutes nash and hayes tweeted that they where at the airport and fans started coming in like crazy. Before hayes got up to greet them he looked at you "I love you, and only you" he said while winking and waking towards the fans. That gave you a special feeling in you're stomach. You blushed and smiled he was so romantic and you loved it. You decided to stalk fans on twitter and instagram while he was with fans. Suddenly you felt a pair of arms start massaging you're shoulders. You jumped, you got so scared. You turned around to see...

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