jack grazer⇢nightmare

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.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°

My eyes snapped open with a sudden commotion, the bed sheets moving in different directions as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I saw Jack sitting up in bed, his shoulders rose and fell rapidly.

"Jack?" I whispered. He kept his back to me, ignoring my words. "Jack?" I repeated. He slowly turned to look at me, shadows cascading over his face. He wiped his cheeks and moved closer to me, hovering over my body.

"I'm okay," He stated, our faces inches apart. I brought my hands up to his warm tear-stained cheeks. "The tears on your cheeks say otherwise," I answered, wiping them away.

"It was just a dream," He replied in hopes to relax me. I stared into his eyes, pulling his head so he rested on my chest. His arm hung across my torso loosely as I ran my fingers through his curls.

"I love you, Jack," I say pulling the hair gently off his face. "I love you too y/n."


love, tassie <3

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