jack grazer⇢ shower

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.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

I was sat on the tiled floor of the shower. Soft and sad music playing in the background as hot water rained down on my legs. I held my knees to my chest closely with my wet hair sticking to my skin. I stared blankly at the glass shower door, thoughts racing through my head all at once.

My eyes were bloodshot and my cheeks feeling puffy. My skin turned a shade of red against the hot water, fog floating in the atmosphere seemingly drowning me. I had lost track of how long I had been in here for, but I just knew that it didn't matter because I was home alone. I just wanted to sit like this forever.

I heard a soft knock at the bathroom door, I slowly looked up and saw the door opening. I didn't panic as I saw Jack peer through the door and notice me sitting on the shower floor. He frowned at me and then his eyes directed to my phone which was playing sad music, Jorja Smith.

He unlocked my phone and quickly picked a new song. You & I by One Direction, our song. He looked at me with sad eyes, opening the glass shower door and turning the temperature down of the burning hot water. Jack opened the window a small bit to clear up the drowning fog, I stared down at my knees.

I know he was only trying to help me but I just wanted to be left alone. I just wanted to be sad on my own. I glanced upwards as I heard the glass door being opened again. Jack was soon seated beside me, clothesless as he sat with his knees up and the water hitting his legs also. I sighed and accepted his presence before leaning closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder as the warm water hit us both.

Jack grabbed my hand and held it, softly running his thumb over the top of my hand. The music filled the room and a small smile crept onto my face as I felt his warm body next to mine. He didn't say anything, he was just there for me. And that was more than enough.


love, tassie <3

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