Saying Hello to Old Enemies

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"So lemme get this straight. You want me show up on his doorstep, looking like I did when I was younger, and then what? Become a happy little family with the people who literally left me for dead. Pops, those people tried to kill me! Just because I didnt have a quirk!?" I seethe, gripping the armrests if the chair I'm in tightly. "Those people will kill me on sight!"

"No they wont because you will make sure to reveal yourself to your brother first. They wont dare do anything to you if you have his protection. They dont want to seem like monsters around their precious child." All for One snickers. "I know best what has happened to you. You were broken when I found you; mentally and physically. I wouldn't be sending you back to those people if it wasnt necessary. If I could I would keep you in this city and never let you go up top." He sighs and rubs his temples, suddenly looking old.

My anger suddenly deflates and I get up from my seat to go sit on the desk beside his chair. "If you think it's best, I'll go. I'll put my all into the mission." He smiles slightly at me, but I can see the pain and regret etched onto his face. To the rest if the world he is a cold merciless monster, but to me he is just my dad. I can tell he doesnt want to send me back to the people who nearly killed me and gave me permanent scars. However, he knows he cant afford not to send me because of my abilities. I lean in and hug him tightly and I feel his arms wrap around my still small frame. Even though I'm nearly an adult I'm small. I never was able to bulk up like my brother, and I know for a fact that I look like a child compared to him. However, with my ability being thin and light on my feet makes it easier for me to survive.

"Everything will be fine pops. I promise. If I get into any trouble I'll run as fast as I can back...okay?" I give him my best smile and I can feel him relax slightly.

"Okay... but son, be careful. You know how vicious heros are to us. If they find out who you are then I'm afraid even I may not be able to save you." Bowing his head I can see the vicious frown that sets itself on his face.

"Oh quit. The king of the people cant be so sentimental. Anyway I'm off. Love ya pops. I'll be back before ya know it." I lay a kiss on his head and jump off the table. Walking casually to the door, I wave goodbye to my father.

Walking down the corridors of the castle I begin to change. Shifting my hair, body, and clothes to make it seem like I've been living a hard life on the streets. Giggling to myself when I see my reflection in the mirror, I make a beeline for Shigaraki's domain. Seeing as he is the man who controls all the security around the city and our domain up top, he rarely leaves his tech room. Once I make it to the door I open the door and hesitantly walk in like I haven't ever been there before.

Turning around I see his eyes bulge out of his head before he seems to get ahold of himself. "Hello, what are you doing here young man?" He slowly stands up as I take a few steps back.

"I got lost and I ended up in here. Where is here? One minute I'm in the forest and the next I'm walking around a HUGE city underground and then I somehow made my way here." I ramble all this out and watch as his eyes bulge out of his head in alarm.

"That's impossible! There were no unknown entities that came through the barriers!" He shrieks, turns around and starts frantically messing with his computers. Quickly making my way behind him, I pull out a small knife and lay it on his throat. He immediately stops what he is doing and slowly reaches for the panic button underneath his desk. Being as panicked as he was he never even activated his quirk.

"You know. You should never turn your back on an unknown entity. That's rule number one around here. Isnt that right Shigi?" I question and I watch as realization slowly dawns on him. He suddenly spins around and pushes me hard in the chest, with only four of his fingers, knicking himself with the knife in the process. I let myself change back to my original appearance right before he starts scolding me.

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