Off to School We Go

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Izuku POV

"So you want to tell me what the hell is happening?" Katsuki irritably states while bringing three coffee cups into the living room, and setting two of them in front of Kage and I. Kage still hasn't set me down and every time Katsuki glares at me, I feel my heart rate increase. Katsuki is, to me, the type of person who even though he wants to be a hero, wouldn't be opposed to killing someone. The difference between him and I though is the fact that he would kill someone for the sake of others, whereas I would just for the fun of it or if they upset me.

"It'll be easier if I just show you. Some unexpected events have made me realize just how dangerous my parents can be to those who they wish to eliminate." Kage mumbles before turning his gaze on me. "Izu I'm going to have to show Katsuki your wound okay?" Nodding my head I suck in a big breath and hold it while immense pain shakes my form. The wound isn't the entire reason it hurts so bad. it's the fact that I've way overdone it today with all the moving around so when I tense all my muscles scream. After successfully holding in my whimpers and cries of pain Kage finally is able to lay me stomach down on the couch we were sitting on. Allowing me to catch my breath for a moment, he then pulls my shirt up. Once the massive bandage on my back is revealed I hear a intake of breath from Katsuki.

"Don't tell me. He doesn't have a wound underneath there... right?" Everyone in the room can hear the uncertainty in his voice and I only chuckle lowly.

"What? Is it too much of a shock for the best people to actually be the worst?" My voice is merely a whisper, but they hear it loud and clear. Without another word Kage rips the bandage off slowly, making me wince with every movement. After the entire bandage is off Kage stands back so that his friend can see the damage caused by Inko. The wound is is a massive hole in my back, black surrounding the edges where the blast charred my skin.

"Who did this? Please don't tell me it is who I think it is." Katsuki is pleading at this point since Inko and All Might have helped raise him his entire life. They were like parents to him since his died in early childhood.

"My parents.... Turns out they tried to kill Izuku when we were small because his quirk never developed. I-I never knew why they weren't sad that he was missing but now...Now I know and it disgusts me." Katsuki looks stunned and horrified. He immediately drops to his knees in front of me and cups my cheek with his hand. Flinching and tensing up as if ready for a sudden blow, his eyes immediately widen and a sad frown marrs his face. However, he doesn't move away and looking into his eyes I can see sadness, betrayal and the best anger. Anger about what has happened to me on my behalf, and anger at the people who caused this. The same people who are supposed to protect people like me, well people like I used to be.The quirkless. After a few minutes of looking into his red eyes that remind me so much of Shigaraki he turns towards Kage.

"Tell me everything those bastards did!" His voice escalates with every word until he is yelling, causing me to cover my ears with my hands. His look turns apologetic and he runs his finger along my cheek, close to my eye as a sign of comfort. I slowly relax into his touch and he smiles slightly at me. A heartwarming smile that shows just how big this boys heart is, and how easy it is to bend and manipulate his trust. After continually soothing me he turns slightly towards Kage and spit out, "Well get on with it."

And so, Kage starts the story of the less than twenty-four hours of me being home. He doesn't leave any detail out including all the rotten things said to and about me. I lay there silently while he recounts the tale, smiling minutely when he gets to the part of when All Might barges into our room. Once he reaches that part he just helplessly looks at me and says, "I don't know what happened before I woke up. All I know is I woke up because of a bloodcurdling scream and saw my father trying to attack Izuku. We left after that. I knew at that moment that he wouldn't be safe." Katsuki nods his head before turning to me and grinning gently.

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