Late Night Rush

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Upon the bed laid Harry Potter, but he wasn't sleeping peacefully as he should have been. He had the heels of his hands placed over his eyes and sobs wracked his body.  Severus could see blood on the bed sheets which had come from the boys mouth and trailed down his chin. Every once in a while his whole body would flinch and he would let out a pained moan.

Severus felt a pang of worry from deep inside him. What was wrong with the boy? What should he do?

Severus came back to reality and sprang into action. He did the first thing he could think of, he picked the boy up and ran out of Griffindors tower. He ran as fast as he could through the many hallways and up many sets of stairs until he finally reached his destination. The medical wing.

"Poppy!" He shouted as he rushed through the door and placed the boy in his arms on the nearest available bed. "What is it Severus?" The median witch asked as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. And then she noticed the boy writhing on the small bed. "What's wrong with him?" She asked as she placed her hand on Harry's head. "I don't know, but I was hoping that you would."

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