" I Looked Through Some Old Family Photos. Something Doesn't Add Up..." (OS)

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The wound caused by my parent's death never really healed. I often had days when the pain was too much, and the longing to see them again was too strong.

I recently suffered through one of those days. It had been more than two years since my parents had died, but the pain felt fresh and burned hot in my chest.

I went back to one of our old family photo albums. It always helped to have a look through them and reminisce about times long gone.

Here I was as an infant in my mother's arms, there was my first day of school and what followed were the pictures of various family trips.

I went from page to page until I reached one of our many trips to small towns. My parents never took me to different countries. They were boring like that. Instead, we mostly went sightseeing in Germany.

In the picture, my parents and I were hugging each other in front of a small restaurant. I felt tears coming to my eyes once more when I saw us like that. It had been such a nice trip.

A few minutes later I decided it would be a great idea to take a trip there and revisit the place.

The picture was from a trip to a small town about an hour away from here. When I checked out the town online through the pictures of our trip didn't seem to fit the scenery at all. The small restaurant had been in front of a backdrop of distant factories and industrial areas. There were none in the town I was looking at.

I was a bit baffled, but maybe the pictures were from a different trip. Mom must've put them in the wrong place or confused the names. God knows, she was always a bit scatter-brained.

I scanned the picture for anything tangible and finally read the name of the restaurant. When I googled it, I got more than a dozen replies. It was a common name after all. I looked at each of the results, but they were entirely different places.

Great, I thought, the picture was from fifteen years ago. The place has probably closed down by now. Still, even if the restaurant itself didn't exist anymore, it would be nice to visit the town itself.

I continued my search, but in the end, I had to give up. I couldn't remember the name of the town at all. There was no use in trying further.

Instead, I posted the picture on a German subreddit to see if anyone would recognize the place. I didn't have much hope, considering it was just a random small town, but who knows, maybe I'd get lucky.

When I rechecked the thread later, I'd gotten a few replies. Some were wild guesses, others were dumb jokes. Well, not like I expected anything different. I left the post open for the time being and decided to prepare some dinner.

When I came back, I had a handful of new replies, but none were helpful. I'd also gotten a message. Maybe someone had figured it out after all?

The message though proofed to be a bit strange.

It was written by a poster somewhere in Germany who stated that he had a picture that looked almost exactly like mine.

I wrote back to him and asked what he meant. I got a reply a couple of minutes later, this time he included an Imgur link of the picture he was talking about.

As I looked at it, I was a bit weirded out. It was almost exactly the same picture, only with a different kid and family in it.

Everything else was the same. The angle, to position his family stood at, hell even the items in the window behind them, they were all identical.

This had to be some sort of stupid joke.

I sent the guy a message back stating that he almost got me and that his Photoshop skills were pretty good. Of course, he started to deny it, but I didn't bother to reply anymore.

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