Mysterious Appearances

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Spyro, Cynder and Sparx made their way towards the new Dragon Temple. The walls stood high, with ancient symbols engraved in the pillars. Spyro recognised four in particular, which were the symbols of Fire, Electricity, Ice and Earth. These were Spyro's main abilities, and as a purple dragon, learned to master them 5 times quicker than any other creature in the world. Cynder only recognised one, the symbol of Wind, which she had learned before they were separated. The temple was home to the Guardians of each element, and there were currently four. One for each of Spyro's elements: Volteer, Terrador, Cyril and Comet, the new fire dragoness. The previous was Ignitus, who is now a Chronicler.

"Wow, the Temple is beautiful!" exclaimed Cynder, amazed.
"Sure is, and there's been a good change in the Training Hall. I've been in there plenty of times already." Spyro replied.
"You'd be surprised how much he's improved aswell," Sparx said, "And I thought he couldn't get better!"
Cynder smiled at Spyro. "Glad to hear it." The three arrived at the Pool of Visions, where the Guardians were discussing Spyro and his potential.
"Ah, Cynder! Welcome back!" said Volteer, and all the dragons said 'welcome back' aswell. Cynder felt humbled, and smiled. "Spyro, we've got a situation that's been concerning townsfolk, and I feel like I should let you know." said Terrador.
"Go ahead, I'm all ears." replied Spyro
Cyril began to explain, "There's been mysterious portal-like objects appearing in the outskirts of the city."
"Portal-like objects?" Spyro said confused.
"What do they look like?" Sparx asked.
"I'm glad you asked, Sparx. These objects are a light blue sparkle that hovers above the ground slightly." Cyril responded.
Comet then said "We are not sure as of what these things do, but it is recommended you stay away from them. They could be lethal for all we know."
"Thank you, Comet. We'll be careful." Spyro said, and as he went to leave the room with the others, Volteer told him one last thing.
"Yes, Volteer?"
"As Cynder has just returned, would you please give her a tour of the nearby area? She needs to know what's changed." He asked.
"Gladly!" Spyro said. The three left and Spyro showed Cynder around.

The Training Hall was much more spacious and was decorated with divine carpets and banners. This is where Spyro had spent a whole week, mastering his abilities and unlocking his potential, and as much as he trained, and as powerful he got, Spyro was yet to reach his limit. Just outside the Dragon Temple was a street of countless stalls and stores, each offering different goods. One in particular had a painting of Spyro, Cynder and Sparx standing in front of the temple, and it was an outstanding piece of art. Cynder was amazed at how much better the city looked, considering it was only a few weeks after the war.
"The miles sure do build fast, huh Spyro?" she said
"Yep, and well too!" Spyro replied

"Spyro, I've been meaning to ask who Comet is." Cynder said, curiously.
"Comet is the new fire guardian, and she's almost reached the potential that Ignitus did, and she's only been here a week." Spyro explained.
"She must've been a fast learner."
"She still is, which is really good, especially for a guardian." Spyro claimed. As they kept walking, Sparx had to ask Cynder something.
"Hey, Cynder, what've you been doing during the time you were gone?"
"Well, I was mostly just wandering aimlessly, trying to figure out where to go. Before thinking about Warfang, I ran into a trader who seemed pretty upset. I asked him what happened, and he said 'a purple dragon stole from me.' I thought he'd gone crazy, since Spyro is the only purple dragon alive."
"What about you, Cynder?" Spyro asked, "You're a purple dragon, too."
"Well, yes, but it's more of a black than purple. Anyway, I told this mole he was mistaken, but he was sure it was you. I couldn't remember anything past that."
"He must be delusional," Sparx said, "Spyro would never do that!"
"Yeah, it seems...strange that he'd say I did it." Spyro said.
"I know, but that's in the past." And with that the three went silent for a while before they wandered into the forest.

As they entered the forest, birds chirped and the wind was whistling. It was a nice change of pace compared to the War, and was music to the trio's ears. As Spyro was about to speak, however, one of the strange portal-like objects appeared a few metres away from them. From it came crackling sounds.
"That must be what the guardians were talking about." said Cynder as she examined it, whilst not getting too close to it.
"Nooo, surely not, Cynder." Sparx replied with a sarcastic tone. Cynder ignored this.
"We should stay away from it, Cynder. Like Comet said, we don't know what it does." Spyro reminded Cynder.
"You're right." But as they turned to leave the wind blew hard and they couldn't move.
"Um, Cynder? What're you doing?" Spyro asked. He thought this was some kind of joke,as Cynder had the abilities that the element of Wind offered.
"That's not my Wind Magic, Spyro." She looked concerned. The strength of the wind grew stronger and was pulling the two dragons towards the mysterious object.
"Cynder, stop the wind!"
I...can't! It's too strong!" Cynder focused all her power, but it was ineffective. The two were sucked into the object and disappeared into thin air, leaving Sparx behind by himself in the woods. Sparx tried to follow them, but the portal flickered out of existence.
"Oh god..." he said in concern "I've gotta warn the others!"

Author's note: I'm quite happy how this is turning out, and I hope you're enjoying it so far. I'll update this as regularly as I can!

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