The Final Fight (2/2)

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"You're never alone, pal." said Sparx, approaching Spyro. Spyro stopped crying, or at least he tried to.
"Sparx? Where were you?"
"I was with Cyril by the temple, until he turned all black and scary..."
"Thanatos did this to the guardians aswell?"
"Yes. It's worse than I thought." Spyro now felt even more helpless. Without his friends or the guardians, he felt like nothing. "Don't worry, Spyro. I know that our friends are scouting the area, trying to find us. We need to turn them back."
"But how? I can't change their forms..." Spyro thought for a second, then looked west. There, by the waterfall, was Ruby's book of spells. "There!" Sparx turned to face it.
"Are you crazy? Neither of us know Greek, and Ruby will go to get it back."
"I've seen the book, and it has pronunciations by the spells. It's our only hope..."
"Okay, I'm trusting you..."

Spyro and Sparx headed west, towards the book of spells that Ruby had left behind. With it, they could change their friends back. They walked slowly and out of sight. The two had to hide when they saw their corrupted friends patrolling the nearby fields. Ruby, in particular, was looking very carefully everywhere she looked.
"Couldn't you just fly?" Sparx whispered.
"We can't. Not with Skystrike scouting the air."
"*sigh* I hate to say it, but I think Thanatos is actually smart." They carried on, but was a struggle, as multiple soldiers were constantly running around aimlessly. Spyro jumped up the hill and saw the book lying on the edge of the cliff. They began to walk over.
"Spyro, it seems awfully quiet here..." Spyro noticed this, and stopped. He then remembered what his friends were capable of.
"Show yourself, Ruby..." She appeared right by the book.
"ClEvEr onE, AreN't yOu?" she said, softly.
"Ruby, I'm trying to help you. Just hand me that book and I can save you."
"saVe me, fRoM whAT? ThE 'EvIl mOnSTer, ThANatOs?' ITs a ShaMe. YoU doN't UNdeRstaNd wHaT poTentIAl He hAS unLocKEd fOr me..."
"He has nothing to offer you! I do!"
"We'lL sEe aBOut tHaT..." she said, preparing to fight.
"Sparx, how can I get the book without hurting her?"
"Spyro, sometimes you have to do what you don't like. It's do or die now." Ruby lunged towards Spyro, and he sidestepped the attack. He ran for the book, but Ruby had covered it in crystal. He turned to attack, but couldn't. He knew Ruby was in there somewhere. He began to try and smash the crystal, but was levitated by her, and smashed into the ground.
"FigHt baCk, mOrTal!"
"You want me to fight? Fine!" He breathed out a wave of electricity, which hit her all over. She was shocked violently. While she was stunned, Spyro went for the crystal and shattered it. But, before he grabbed it, Skystrike flew down and knocked him back.

When Spyro got up, he could see his friends all landing around him, circling around him.
"AwW, loOk. SpYro foUnD hiMSelf A nEw toy. LeTs brEAk iT, sHaLl we?" asked Gear, with a threatening tone.
"I'm turning you back. You have no reason to fight me." replied Spyro.
"YoU dOnt aLwaYs nEEd a rEasOn..." said Wave.
"Don't make me hurt you. You know I don't want to."
"Do iT thEn... weRe nOt sCarEd of YoU."
"Suit yourself..."Spyro spread out his wings, ready for attack. Ruby struck first, by picking up debris and flinging it at Spyro. The rocks she threw were sharp and jagged, and cut him on his back. Gear then ran up and bashed into him, ripping his chin with his head spikes. Spyro fell to the floor, bleeding.
"GeT up, WEakLinG..." demanded Cynder. He couldn't move. He was stunned on the floor. Cynder froze, slightly twitching, then snapped out of it. Staring at the body of Spyro, they all laughed. A shatter was then heard from behind.
"You guys should know me by now. I don't go down easily." He grabbed the book, opened it and froze time. He flicked through the pages. He then found what he was looking for. He flew away, and resumed time.
"BriLliAnt..." Skystrike said, growling.

"Okay Sparx. The book has the perfect spell."
"What does it say?"
"It says whatever I think about whilst saying the word for the spell is affected."
"And this spell can help switch our friends back?"
"Well, see if you can say it..." Spyro looked carefully at the pronunciation and was about to cast it, when he felt dark energy surging through him. He felt like something was inside of him. The energy stopped flowing, and dark clouds emerged from Spyro, generating something in front of him. Spyro struggled to stand.
"What's happening!?" Spyro shouted. In front of them, where the smoke was, stood an exact replica of Spyro, but darker.
"What is this?" He said, dazed and confused.
"What's what?" Sparx said calmly but concerned. The figure disappeared, and Spyro stood there staring at nothing.
"Nothing Sparx..."
"...okay..." he replied. Spyro reopened the book on the page he was on, and began to say the spell.
"Διαγράψτε το σκοτάδι"
(Delete the dark)
From all around them, they heard screams of agony, which sounded like their friends. Shadows rose into the sky and vanished.
"Uuuum, what just happened?" Sparx asked, anxiously.
"I can only assume it worked. Let's go see." They headed towards where they heard the screams, and in an open field stood Cynder and the others holding their heads. Cynder saw the two approaching.
"Spyro! Where were you?"
"We were hiding by the edge of the island. For obvious reasons, of course."
"Well don't worry. I'm not gonna try to kill you anymore."
"I still do, however..." The group were transported to the temple. There before the stood Thanatos, Erebus and Nyx.
"You're still alive..." Ruby said to Nyx, angrily.
"Something you will not be soon, Ruby..."
"Enough games, Thanatos. This ends here." said Spyro.
"I know it will. I'll make sure if that..." He disappeared, laughing. Erebus turned to them.
"I'll make sure you get to Hell safely!" he shouted.

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