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"Yes! Finally, another chapter!" Is what I think you're saying right now. Maybe. But yes, I am in fact alive and this book is still going. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been doing other stuff and procrastinating. I will try to get back on my grind, please forgive me. 

Enjoy my trash! (a short one, sorry) 


Testing, testing, testing, and torture.

Hours went by of pain, screaming, and what Anti called, "wonderful results". Both regular and black blood surrounded the chair you sat in. You were covered in cuts, bruises, and maybe even a broken bone here and there. Your eyes were bloodshot from crying so much and your face was stained with tears, not to mention the blood that mixed in with them. Your voice was hoarse and strained from all of the shouting that erupted from you. Anti got tired of it in the first five minutes, so he had earbuds in. After a couple moments, though, Anti paused his music and took them out. "Welp, looks like I have what I need," He walked towards your chair and untied you, "These tests will happen once a week. It's so I can track you and what you can withstand." You just sat there, emotionless and head held down. "You're a strong one, [Y/N]." He bent down to your level, "Hello? Anybody home?" Anti waved a hand in front of your blank eyes then shrugged after not getting a response. He held your hand and the two of you glitched to your room, leaving you now sitting on your bed instead of the chair. "You need to rest. Your wounds and broken bones will be fully healed by morning." No comment. Anti sighed and turned, glitching out of your room in the process. 

You sat there silently for a good twenty minutes. 

Gathering up what was left of your energy, you stood up and went further onto your bed. You laid down and thought to yourself. So...this is what it's come to? Being lured away in Mario Kart and laughter only to be brought back to the reality of pain and suffering? You took your pillow and screamed into it. It was the loudest scream you've probably made all night. Sure, it hurt your throat badly, but you needed to do that. You breathed in deeply, shaking a bit, and let go of the pillow. I can't trust him. Lies. That's all it's been. Lies, lies, and more lies. You didn't even know what to believe anymore. And there was no way you could escape this hell either, Anti would probably just hunt you down only to tortur -- er --- "test" you again. Realization hit you like a truck. You'd be here until he finally kills you. You went silent until you heard...laughter? Yeah, that's it. It was laughter. Growing louder and louder, every laugh more insane than the last. But where was it coming from?


It was coming from you. 

You didn't know how to cope anymore. You were going to be here forever and evER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND--



No, you weren't going to let Anti mold your life into what he wants. You couldn't. You had to think of a plan. A plan to escape this hell hole before he pushes you over the edge. You had to wait though, you were broken as of right now. Tomorrow. Tomorrow you'll think of a plan. But you couldn't do it alone. 

You needed help.

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