James's POV
God, he's so cute. Not the new kid, ew gross, no offense but white people make me cringe. Or at least I think he's white. Anyways I'm staring at my 4-year-old crush. Thomas Jefferson. He is so cute. I mean he's passionate for what he believes in, confident sometimes cocky, handsome, and super smart. I think he likes Aaron Burr though or the new kid, which would be my worst disaster ever.

<2 hours later>

Alex's POV

I run down to the closest Subway and hope that it's the right one. When I open the door I feel the cold air hit my back and travel down to my ankles. I come into contact with a girl, she has long brown hair tied into two ponytails, a blue flowy skirt, I lighter blue crop top and flats on. She's beautiful, but I don't think I like her.

"Oh hello there, you wouldn't any chance be Alexander Hamilton, would you?" she ask her eyelashes fluttering through the cold, breezy air.

"Yea actually, and whom might you be?" I answered back while still asking a question.

"Elizabeth Schyluer, a pleasure to meet you, I'm John, Laf and Herc's friend," she answers keeping her head held up high but not too high. I nod as an answer and we get a table.

"So do you have any siblings?" she questions awkwardly trying to make small talk.

"1, brother, you?" I ask stupidly, I know she has other sisters, well that's what John said.

"3, 2 sisters and one brother who funnily enough has the last name Hamilton" she gleams.

"Huh, why may that be?" I ask before getting cut off of a girl yelling at Eliza. She never does answer my question.

"HEY LIZA, WAIT IS THAT THE ALEX KID?" she screams making everyone in Subway glance at her. Eliza nods but slaps her on the arm shunning her because of the yelling.

Eliza's POV

God the new kid is so cute, I hope he isn't gay like the rest of the friend group. No offense but they steal all of my men. I engage in conversation with him until I hear my sister screaming at the top of her lungs. I nod at her question and slap on her on the arm, she winces in pain, but we're in a public place she should learn to be quiet.

"Hey Alex, I'm Peggy, the most unknown Schyluer sister," she says giving me a grimacing look.

"Hey, Peggy, nice to meet you I love your hair" he replies smiling A LOT. I really hope he doesn't like Peggy, but it's Peggy who would like her.

Maria's POV

I come out of the bathroom to see Peggy talking with some guy. I try not to get jealous as we're only friends with benefits but it's too late. I walk up to him, thinking I was going to give him a piece of my mind but instead end up flirting with him.

"Hey there cutie what's your name," I ask acting like I didn't just make out with Peggy in the bathroom, she and her sister looked enraged by this but that's the point.

"Uh... Alex" he says stumbling over his words. I can tell she transitioning because I know a binder when I see one, she lifted her shirt to look at a stain Peggy caused and I caught a glimpse. I pull her away and the enragement of the two sisters intensifies.

"Are you, um, transitioning..." I ask in the most normal tone I can make it, stuttering over my words.

"Uh yeah, how'd you know" he looks nervous and probably knows the answer.

"I saw your... binder," I say still stuttering

"Oh, I thought you did, do you think the others know, plus how do you know what a binder is are you properly informed or are you trans?" he mumbles like really fast.

"The others probably don't and my brother is trans," I reply trying to mimic his speed by utterly failing in the end.

Alex's POV
I breathe out a sigh of relief. I know I'm a little too paranoid, but where I used to live people where the most homophobic you could get.

I see John and his friends plus a new girl with dark skin and poofy hair, walk inside and instantly my heart is filled with jealousy. He's holding hands with some girl, but I thought he was- nevermind they probably lied to me, the girl looks nervous and a lot younger than John. What a pedophile how are his friends okay with-.

"Hi there, I'm John's sister Frances," she stated. I breathe out another sigh of relief and I think my face lightened. I was so quick to respond but she said something else.

"Wait, are you Alexandra?" she questioned whispering the Alexandra part. I nodded and she started giving me hugs and everything. I pushed my glasses that I recently bought down and noticed her distinguishing "Laurens" features. Like her freckles, curly brown hair, and tan but not white skin.

I converse with everyone else and we all exchange phone numbers. After I leave I look at the notification on my phone to see I was added into a group chat.

Lexi was added into the Loser Gang.

ANDpeggy: heyyyyyyy

datturtleboiJohn: YO YA YO WHAT TIME IS IT

NeverSatisfied™: 6:16


LargeBaguette: SHOWTIME

datturtleboiJohn: Angie, you ruined it. 

Word Count + A/N: 936

A/N I'm sorry this chapter was trash I had so much writer's block and it feels so shorter than it actually is.

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