John's POV

I can't help but blush once Lafayette said that. Everyone either looks unphased or shocked as hell and I don't know what to do about it. Once Alex walked into the room all eyes were on him. I couldn't stop looking at him, I like him so much.

"Why are you all looking at me," Alex asks

"Um, no reason, let's just continue the game..." I reply not making eye contact with him. (I should really work on that).

He nods and sits next to Herc and Theo and we continue the game.

Alex's POV

"Angie, truth or dare" I scoot a little closer to Theo, sparking jealousy in Burr, and ask why everyone is looking at me,
"Just ask Angie," she says not making eye contact with me. WHY WASN'T ANYONE MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH ME. I hope I didn't just lose all of my friends, maybe I was being weird in art class.

"Truth" she replies, Herc facepalms and Lafayette looks around the room.

"Why is everyone looking at me weird, and then when I talk not making eye contact," I ask, John looks around the room and makes complete eye contact with John.

"Um..." she starts, she can't keep secrets well so I'm urging to find out.

"Porque todos te descubrieron como John,"

(Because everyone found out you like John) she says, Peggy lets out a sigh and she simply responds.

"No one said I had to answer in English."

John facepalms while the others seemed relieved. I wonder how long it's going to take for them to figure it out.

"SPANISH IS ALEX'S FIRST LANGUAGE!" he blurts, everyone kind of just looks at me and looks at him. I'm hella nervous.

"Oops sorry..." Angie says holding her head down. I kind of just leave the room awkwardly, closing the door shortly after to hear a bunch of screaming and yelling.

Angie's POV
I cracked under pressure, I let everyone down. Just great.

Eliza's POV
Peggy texted me everything that happened after I left, now I'm even more pissed. Pissed at Maria and John. Why of all people did he have to fall for John? I'm going to be alone forever.

New Message from Aaron Burr, Sir

Aaron Burr, Sir: hey I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime, with me and Theo, we've been dating for 3 months now and decided it was a good time to come out as poly. We're both bisexual and I was wondering if you wanted to have a polyamorous relationship. If you don't that's completely fine, just let me know. 🙂

CinnamonRollEliza: um, can you give me some time to think about it, I've never done poly before and I'm kinda trying to get over someone else.

Aaron Burr, Sir: Alex? Nevermind, forget I asked about the whole poly thing ttyl Elizabeth

Oh god, we're on full name terms now, usually, he'd call me Liz. He was the only one to do so, so losing that kind of hurt. I think about it in the morning, I'm tired as hell.

Aaron's POV

I can't believe Liz still likes Alex. Like just get over him already. Maybe she's too good for me. I love her, and Theo and Theo said if this whole polyamourous relationship thing wasn't going to work she'll leave. That sounds terrible but she really likes Eliza. To the point where I don't think she has feelings for me anymore. I'm just the sad old loner kid everyone forgets about. Heck, even James gets more attention than me, he has someone who loves him.

I do the unthinkable, I grab the knife from the silverware drawer and start making cuts on my arms. On my left is the letter 'T' for Theo because I'm left-handed and she was my first. On the right is the letter 'E' for Eliza, since she hurt the most and I always cut on my right hand. I make sure the blood comes out all the way, probably bursting a blood vessel or two but I don't care. This time, I get so focused on cutting I don't hear the door open. I'm sobbing away like the pathetic loser I am when none other then Alexander Hamilton finds me. He has love, he has happiness, he has everything. I don't have anything I thought, in the beginning, I would have to wait for it but end the end nothing good happens. I'm getting ready to be lectured by Alex when he hugs me.

I'm about to say something when he interrupts my thought process

"Shhh" he's crying to too, sobbing along with me. My tears have been flooding ever since I texted Eliza. She always complains how lonely she is but when love is right in front of her she denies it.

"Aaron, everything is going to be okay, go lay down on the couch, I'm going to make soup" Alex mutters, his voice lower than what I anticipated.

"I'm not a sick person Alex, I'm okay, I don't need anyone's help-" I shoot back, my resilience catches him off-guard but he insists so I end up listening.

Alex's POV
I can't believe this. I come in here to rant about my problems to someone I know will listen only to find him on the floor. He's been cutting. I notice a 'T' and 'E' on both of his wrists. It can't be, Eliza and Theo. He'd always tell me how much he liked Eliza and how pretty she was, how her eyes would gleam even in the darkest situations, how Theo and he wanted to start poly-dating with her, and how they were waiting for the three-month mark.

He always seemed reserved, quiet and full of nothing but when he opened up he opened up. He'd dread for days telling me how he actually hated his politics class as he showed no interest for either political party and how he loved Law because he wanted to be a lawyer and help others fight for freedom.

He reminded me of John, like a turtle, quiet until they would come out of their shells. Don't get me wrong I didn't have even the tiniest feelings for Burr, but he seemed so miserable to the point where it would make me feel bad for him.

I finish making him the soup and watching him eat before taking away every sharp thing he could get his hands on and tucking him into bed. I leave shortly afterward to be greeted by John.

A/N Thank you all for reading, all I have to say is I think this is my best chapter. Aaron's perspective and Alex's perspective are enough for me to give this chapter the award of 'best chapter yet'. I loved this chapter, and I finished it at 1:48 in the morning because I have no chill. And by the way, the next chapter won't focus on Alex and John much rather the Gen2 gang because I haven't put much attention onto them and I decided I wanted to so expect that next. 

Word Count: a very astonishing 1197 words

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