Chapter 4: Rise And Shine

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The sound of blood mounts bounding around the halls awoke 208. "RIIIIISSSEEE!!" Called RAAM. The rest of the Therons awoke in a bitter manner, growling, and seeming annoyed that they were awoken from their slumber. "Grab your armor," RAAM ordered. "We have a long day of training today. Meet in the training grounds. We will discuss your tasks there." The Therons continued to growl and rub the sleep out of their eyes. Hundreds of Therons wiggling into their armor made the room seem smaller than it was. When they were done, 208 followed the group to the training grounds. Torque bows in hand, the Therons stood in a line at the back of the large room. "Now," said RAAM. "Today you will be sent to different parts of the outer hollows to lead groups of drones. You will be judged based on your ability to keep your group, and yourself, alive. Giving orders, guiding them to the right places, and so on." RAAM walked to the Theron to his far left. "You. You will be guiding a group of locust on a gunboat patrol. Don't go into the Imulsion waters or Leviathan waters. You have no chance then." "Yessss....." hissed the Theron. RAAM moved down the line, getting closer and closer to 208. Finally, he was given his assignment. "You are on Torture Barge duty. Go to a Torture Barge and oversee the activity. Make sure the Drones are doing their job and that there are no intruders. 208 had never been on a Torture Barge long enough to know what kinds of heinous acts occurred there. But he knew he had no choice. "Yessss....." he hissed. RAAM moved to the next Theron. When all of the Therons were given assignments, RAAM moved back to where he started out in front of them all. "Today is your chance to rank up to Theron Sentinel. If you do a good job at this, you have the chance to rank up. Only five of you will be chosen. Tomorrow in training, you will be put into groups. If you are a sentinel, you will be leading groups of Therons and will receive different training. If you do not rank up, you will have the same training as today. Now go to your assigned stations." The Therons looked at each other competitively. They filed out of the room, one by one.

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