Chapter 36: Only we can do

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Me: Hey, everyone! This is the 36th Chapter!

Amaya: I can't wait to read it!

Kokoro: Me, too. I'm kind of curious.

Miaka: Can we start reading it now?

Me: If so then let's get on with the story!


Chapter 36: Only we can do


The situation was bad for the girls and the boys as well. Let's just say that Spain's teams had two points each on their sides while them have zero points due to the Spain's two goalkeepers which they are hard to crack and pass through.

"Damn it. At this rate, we won't be able to make a score." Haizaki said, looking at Spain's team players on the other side of the field especially their team Captain, Clario.

"Ah. We need to make a score somehow." Kidou said looking at Clario and his teammates through his googles. The first half was almost over and they need a plan but too late for they went back to their positions and the referee blew the whistle, signaling both teams to continue their match in five minutes. Kidou kick the ball forward and easily passed the players only to be blocked and steal the ball away from him at the same time much to his surprise. The Spain player of Barcelona Orb smirked as he kick the ball he stole earlier. Kidou was irked but nevertheless went to catch up with him. After three minutes, they still haven't made a single goal yet because the players of Barcelona Orb has strong muscular bodies that made it hard for them to pass through.

"Is this Spain's power?!" Atsuya said, his eyebrows furrowed together in anguish while trying to get himself pass through a player who was smirking at him and won't budge making him irked. The others were also having some difficulties like him as well. Just how strong is  Spain and its players anyway? Is this how they block their opponents? Using their physical abilities against them? Whatever training they had, it was so hard. Hiura then passed the ball to Asuto who caught it with ease and used his hissatsu.

"Flash Dash!" He said, grabbing the ball between his foot and made a back flip with lightning speed and pass the ball to Atsuya who finally got himself out and also caught the ball before he used his hissatsu.

"Killing Technique: Killing Polar Bear!" He said, his left hand engulf in a reddish and blackish light as he throw it and his right leg had the same light as his hand. He then kick the ball in the air towards the goal and land on the ground with his eyes closed. The goalkeeper of Barcelona Orb saw where the ball was heading and used his hissatsu.

"The Bubbles!" He said as his body turn into water and when the ball made contact with his body, it almost went through but bounce back as he caught easily with his hand while his body return back to its original state causing the boys to widen their eyes in shock and disbelief. Did that guy stopped Atsuya's kick?

"What the heck?!" Atsuya exclaim rather confused of what just happen earlier. Hikaru or Ichihoshi run to up Nosaka with a serious look on his face as he seems to notice something and so is Nosaka who had his eyebrows slightly furrowed together.

"Nosaka-san, did you notice it as well?" Ichihoshi ask, wondering if Nosaka notice that earlier and Nosaka nodded.

"Yes, I did notice that the goalkeeper somehow as if he knew where Atsuya-kun's shooting angle is and immediately went to its possible landing and stop it successfully." Nosaka look at the blonde-haired goalkeeper who was holding the soccer ball in his hand. When Atsuya shoot the ball with his hissatsu earlier, the goalkeeper took one glance at it and quickly knew its shooting angle which he used it for his advantage and stop it when he knew its possible landing. Nosaka slightly narrowed his eyes at the goalkeeper with a hint of suspicion on his gray eyes. Something is off, he can feel it. There is two minutes before the first half is over and there's no time to waste. There must be a way to score a goal. There has to.

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