Chapter 8 Bakugo you piece of shit

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All might's POV

oh shit, oh shit! I say as I run to the hospital. "Quickly we're losing him!" I say as I am running. I bring him in and the workers all in shock look and called a surgeon to bring a bed or something like that quickly.

When they brought him in. I wasn't allowed to go in the emergency room but we had to wait fearfully. I sat down panicked until I looked to my side to see Bakugo and saw the look of worry and despair. I couldn't handle the fact that todoroki got shot but Bakugo looked like he was going to explode in tears any minute.

The nurse came in and had told us that Todoroki was in a coma for now and he might or might not have a chance to live. Seeing as though it had pierced his heart. I was in shock with tear pricking the sides of my eyes. I got up and held the nurses hand asking her " please, do the best you can do. I'd appreciate it." She nodded and went back inside. I turned around to see Bakugo. In shock with eyes full of tears. I never would've guessed Bakugo would be like this towards todoroki. Bakugo slowly stood up looking down and said "a-all might let's go back to the class." I went wide eyed seeing as though his voice was filled with sadness and sorrow. I also got up and nodded. While we walked back because we didn't have a ride I looked towards young Bakugo. He looked like all emotion had been drained out of him. Like tears had spilled out all of it. I didn't want to annoy young Bakugo with a bunch of questions but I asked if he was all right. He ignored me and just kept walking. I let out a sigh seeing as he was to heartbroken to speak. When we made it to the dorms Bakugo was walking in. I saw him shut the door and then I went to UA into the meeting room.

Bakugos POV

I'm happy no one was in the halls or the lounge. It was 12:27p.m anyway so why would they be? I was still in my hero outfit and was walking over to my room. I was about to close the door til I heard a voice "yo! Bakubro your back!" Oh no, shitty hair was here. I didn't speak or turn around to face him. Then I heard " Bakugo.... are you okay" from raccoon eyes. All I said was " I'm fine just leave me alone." And slammed the door. I could hear raccoon eyes saying "well that was rude. I wanted to hear what happened to him and Todoroki and Midoryia but not anymore with his attitude"

I didn't want to walk out and argue so I just changed and went to bed. I couldn't sleep because all I could think of was what raccoon eyes had said. I am worthless aren't I? Just a pile of attitude? A waste of space? A waste of air. I don't deserve to breathe or eat. I don't deserve to love or be loved. I don't deserve Todoroki saving me. I don't deserve anything do I? I don't even deserve to live.

All I wanted was Todoroki next me. Him talking to me again. Him talking about what was on my mind. But I was so conceded because I was talking about useless shit. I was taking about me. I should've just never talked. I should've been mute.

I went on rambling for hours. I couldn't get him out of my head. I eventually didn't get any sleep and it was the morning then. Thank god it was a weekend. Some students stayed in there dorms for the weekend and some head out to meet their family and friends. I looked at the time and it was 9:47 a.m. I couldn't move. I had no energy to. I had no will to. I didn't feel needed or wanted at this right I was back where I started. At the deepest darkest place ever. I didn't want to breathe anymore. I gripped the pillow I was laying on tightly and squeezed my eyes tightly with tears threatening to fall out.

I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't do anything anymore. Not without him. And knowing he might not make it either just makes things worse than what it is. He started off as an enemy then to a therapist sort of when he found out what I had been doing. Then a friend that lead me out of the darkness. But now that he's gone. I feel that I'm back in the darkness. Nobody loves me for me anymore. Nobody knows what I'm going through and they won't because I don't want to ruin my pride. I can't open up to anyone like I did with him.

I jolted when I heard a sudden knock on the door. I didn't want to answer since all I wanted to do was be alone. But alone with my thoughts was the worst thing to me. I then heard the knock again and a happy sound coming from the other side "Hey bakubro it's me kirishima! Since nobody in the squad is busy meeting their family except me and kaminari we are hanging out at the mall today. You wanna join us??"  I didn't answer still and then I heard from outside " you knocked on the door really loudly though?? And Bakugo isn't a light sleeper." Pikachu said. "Maybe his with his family?" Shitty hair said. "I'll call him and see if he answers." Pikachu said. I soon remembered that I looked at the time then threw my phone some where. I got up trying to look for it to turn the ringer off so they could leave me alone but to late for that. I heard the ring and turns out my phone was on the floor. The ring suddenly stopped after 10 seconds and then shitty hair asked " so Bakugo, why are you ignoring us?" In a sadder tone. " go away Pikachu and shitty hair." I had said. "Fine be that way. We didn't need you anyways." I heard footsteps disappearing. "K-kirishima that's a little harsh don't you th-" "no kaminari it's not. He's just a rude dumb fuck that doesn't deserve us if he doesn't want us." Then I heard two distant footsteps disappear.

Did you hear that.... RUDE





I gripped the pillow case again so hard that I started bleeding. I cried more and more. Am I really that much of a fuck up child? I am aren't I? First the bullying for deku that I can't forgive myself for. Then UA with him becoming popular and me having 4 friends. Then the fuck up of me and All might losing his quirk. Not only villains think that I am a villain but even my class mates. Me losing the closest person to me yesterday. Then me losing Mina yesterday night. Now I lost my other two best friends. UGH IM SUCH A DAMN FUCK UP I DON'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS KIND OF LOVE.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was now 1:57 p.m. I decided I would try taking a shower to cool me of and wash my emotions away. I hopped in the shower and turned on the hot water. It came out cold at first but then became hotter slowly. It reminded me of Todoroki and his quirk icy-hot bastard. I looked to the side and grabbed body wash that was orangey/pineapple scented. Those were my two favorite fruits. Half orange and half pinea-.... half and half. DAMN-IT TODOROKI GET OUT IF MY HEAD. I leaned against the wall with the warm water hitting my back. I cried and cried til I thought I couldn't no more. I cried for what seemed like and hour. I soon got out of the shower then went to my closet to change. I looked inside and saw black sweat pants and a black tank top. I saw a pocket knife with a blood stain fall out of my closet shelf. The same knife that I used to cut before todoroki helped me. Damn it it's like life is mocking me to cut and mocking me to remember him I wish I could just forget about what happened and have him here with me. I picked up the pocket knife from the floor and took a look at it. " I have to do it. I can't stop without him helping me out of the darkness without him here." I had tears pricking out of my eyes and I went to sit at my desk. I looked at the time again and it was 3:39 p.m

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