Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

***Forty Weeks Pregnant***

We didn't tell anyone what we were having, not even the kids. We wanted it to be a surprise. But we did have a name picked out and everything we got for the baby were in neutral colors. Sitting around the clubhouse, I've been having contractions and we'd already made arrangements for Gemma to keep the kids so everything was set. The carrier was in my car, the baby's bag and mine were all in the trunk and Gemma had overnight bags for Kenny and Ellie. Now, all we needed was the baby to make an appearance.

I'm sitting at the bar with Piney and he's holding my hand, letting me squeeze the life out of it when my contractions hit. "Are you okay sweetheart?" he asks me. I look at him and smile and say "Yeah. Not too bad right now." I say before a massive one hits. "Spoke to soon." Piney said laughing and I can't help but laugh. "How far apart are they?" he asks. "About twenty minutes. They get any closer or my water breaks and we'll be heading to St Thomas." I say. "What's on your mind Viv?" he asks. Since I've been with Opie, Piney and I have gotten closer. Closer to the point that I have talked to him about my late husband and my worries about Opie when he's on a run and he's been able to ease my mind every time. I am so grateful for him. "Just thinking about how my life has changed over the last year. I was working in a bar, living alone. I was alone. One night changed everything for me. I love Opie and the kids so much. They showed me that there is life after death. When I was married before, we never talked about kids. He made it clear he didn't want any kids. But Opie, already had kids and hell, the minute he found out I was pregnant, he was looking at a new house and planning out the nursery and getting the kids involved. How the fuck did I get so lucky Piney? What did I do to deserve this life?" I ask with a smile on my face and Piney smiles at me. I feel arms wrap around my waist and hear Opie say "You were there for me. That's what you did. You were there for me and my kids." I turn to him and kiss him and another contraction hits. "This is killing me. My water won't freaking break." I tell them. I look at Opie and say "I know what will do it." He looks at me and smirks. "We'll be back." he tells Piney.

He leads me to the dorm and as soon as the door closes, he pulls me close and kisses me before leading me to the bed and laying me on my side. We undress and he lays behind me. Entering me slowly, he starts to thrust in and out slow and steady. "Harder Ope. Please baby." I moan and he starts to thrust in and out hard and fast and I find my release with him right behind me, spilling his seed inside me. We get up and he helps me get dressed and we walk out to the main room. "You sure that will work?" he asks me. "It better." I say laughing. About that time, my water breaks. "Thank Fuck." I say and Opie starts laughing. "Let's go! Kid's making a jailbreak." Opie yells and we all head to the hospital. Getting into my car, Tara is driving, she asks "Where did you and Opie go?" Smirking I say "To the dorm. I read somewhere that sex can cause your water to break so I made him have sex with me." I tell her and she starts laughing. "I don't think he was complaining." she tells me. "I know he wasn't." I tell her laughing.

Ten hours later, we are sitting in my hospital room and the entire club, and the kids are in there. Piney is holding the baby and asks "What did you name him?" I smile at him and Opie says "Piermont Anthony Winston but we are calling him Perry." They all smile and Piney stands and walks over and hugs Opie before coming to me and kissing my cheek. "Thank you Sweetheart." he tells me and I just smile. Gemma leaves the kids with us for a bit so that we can spend time as a family. Ellie is sitting on the couch with Opie, holding Perry and Kenny is laying on the bed next to me. He's snuggled up and I ask "You okay Kenny?" He looks up at me and I see he looks sad. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I won't be your baby boy anymore." he tells me. "Well, Perry is my little man but you will always be my baby boy. You are my special boy because I had Perry. But I got to choose you." I tell him and he snuggles closer and says "I love you mommy." I smile and say "I love you too baby boy. I love all of my babies." I tell him and see Ellie smiling at me and Opie mouths "I love you." My family is complete. I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful kids. There is nothing in this world that could make me happier than I am right now.

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