The devil on my left shoulder

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I'm caressed by the yellow light seeping from my ceiling fan
I'm encased by linens and three down comforters
I hear the gentle hum of moving cars outside
And my father watching the news in the room beside mine.
Theres a part of me that feels so at peace
That rests in the reverent gleam of this mundane scene
My hair falls in an ebony swirl utop my sage colored cushion
And my feet are just the right amount of cool.
I've just returned from the company of a friend
From a perfect picture of this mediocrity we call suburban life
And that part of me that wants so bad to sink into this Wednesday night
That yearns to rest here
To close my eyes.
To sleep.
Because my heart is beating too fast
And the devil on my left shoulder won't stop whispering her gentle mantra
of what-ifs and but-nows
Every pastel plastered to these baby blue walls
Ask why I refuse to rest
They are so sad that after all these nights we've spent together in laughter and in tears
I don't believe them when they sing  sweet nothings to me in praise
I remain unconvinced of safety they assure
It's been so long since I've laid down
and waited for the angel on my right to lure me to sleep with her melodies of peace and suduction
But my eyes won't close
And I'm beginning to grow wary of the very mattress on which I stay
Because it seems to have dragged my sultry angel into the haze of slumber
But now there's no one left to lull me over to the other side
And I'm left laying
With one angel in a deep sleep
The devil lucid on my left shoulder
on top of a bed that has forsaken me
in a room gone silent.

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