[One-Shot] It was a Mistake!

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It was a mistake, really; she accidentally got shoved by the idiot and lost her balance on the panda-bear while they were arguing. She ended up screaming as she landed, crashing into him with a loud grunt. Dark eyes widened as revelation started to sink into their predicament.

Her mind tries to formulate words, but she couldn't as a pair of lips were pressed against her own, eyes a bit glassy from the pain, but was equally stunned gold ones stare right back, unblinking, looking at each other for a few, several seconds. It's not every day she gets to kiss anyone, let alone Mitsuki of all people.

Sarada quickly redeemed the mishap by pulling her lips away, gasping for breath before covering them with her left hand.

"I'm sorry, Mitsuki! I didn't mean to do that!" She apologized, her cheeks flushed bright red.

"It's fine..." the albino boy replies, cracking a smile at the girl and brushing it off like it's no big deal.

The young raven girl then glares at the idiot who shoved her in the first place, "Boruto, you idiot; this is your fault!"

"Hey! It was an accident, Da'ttebasa!" The accused person sweats in fear, raising his hands to defend himself.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it!" She raises her fist, ready to launch it at the blond Uzumaki. He was messing with an Uchiha, and it's a universal fact that their anger is not a force to be reckoned.

Mitsuki watches the two before he places his sleeves over his mouth, "Relax Sarada, it's fine," once again, brushing the matter off like it's nothing, "Besides, I don't mind doing it again," an innocent smile appears on his face.

The girl stuttered as her face turn deep red like a tomato while Boruto's eyes bulged in shock, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING MITSUKI?!?!" The young Uzumaki shrieked.

"Exactly what I say, Boruto," Mitsuki smiles as he tilts his head.

"But— You can't— I-I mean— Do you— GAHHHH!!!" The yellow-haired boy screamed as he immediately took off without a second thought, leaving the remaining teammates in complete shock, and the latter in confusion.

"... was it something I say?" Mitsuki broke the silence as he looks over to Sarada, who looks away with a flushed look on her face.

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