Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My head was pounding. The ship had just started moving and instead of motion sickness I feel dizzy and my head started to hurt. I lay in my cabin bed look at the wall in front of me; just trying not to fight the pounding in my head. Soon I just let my head fall and I close my eyes.

I was listening to music but it was the music on my iPod. All of the songs I have on my iPod are old music I used to listen to when I was younger. Ignoring the song I didn't like on my iPod I tried to stay awake but my eyes took over I closed them yet again. Hearing the pounding in my ears echoing from my pillow I opened my eyes and flipped on my back.

After about 5 mins my head started to get used to the ship but every time the ship would slightly rock I felt like I was sinking into the bed.

I had been on a cruise before but I don't remember it like this. Although it was two years ago and I could've forgotten about this part.

When I started to see the room spin I closed my eyes and decided to let my mind sleep.

My mom nudged me awake. "We are going to dinner soon so what do you need to do to get ready?" she asked me.

"Put some dressy clothes on and brush my hair." I answered. I usually don't put too much makeup on so I didn't worry about that. I slowly got out of bed and looked in my suitcase. I pulled out a casual dress and a bra, quickly changed, and brushed my hair.

"You ready?" my sister, Jewl, asked me.

"Yup." was all I said and we grabbed out room key and went off to dinner.

When I was walking toward the dining room area a noticed a man in his late teens head the same way we were going. Thinking he was going to the dinner I started to get into Jewl's and my moms conversation.

After waiting in a line for about 10 mins a waiter came and guided us to our table. We sat down and looked out the window. My head started spinning again. I looked away from the window and on to my mom.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, my head just hurts that's all. I will be fine." my mom gave me a sympathetic smile and nodded.

After a while our waiter came and gave us some water and asked us what we wanted to eat.

"Lobster please." my mom said to the man.

"Penne." my sister said. He wrote down the order and looked at me.

"What would you like to eat?" I looked at the menu to remind myself what I wanted to eat.

"The steak please" I said.

He nodded and asked "How would you like that cooked?"

"Medium." I answered. He nodded, wrote it down and left. I looked to my right to see that same man that walked near us earlier. He was looking at me and once he saw my looking his way he turned away from me. I shook it off not thinking anything was wrong.

After about 30 mins he came back with our food. Although I wasn't to hungry I forced some bites down.

"I think I'm going to leave, mom." I said with my head down.

"But we haven't had dessert!" she said with a shock. My favorite part of the meal was dessert but I didn't really want it right now and just wanted to be alone.

"I know but I'm going to go ok?" I said.

"Are you sure you're alright?" she asked with a suspicious face.

"Ya, I just kind of want to be alone for a little bit." I said standing up and grabbing my jacket.

"Ok, well we will meet you back at the room ok?" my mom said.

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