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Kimberly. Ira. Daniel. Aaron. Persephone. Matthew. Miss Elle Willow. Mr Blake. Ms Grady. The two pilots.

The death toll was high. Eleven dead... nine survivors. We were alone in the formidable Amazon rainforest with little food or water, and no clue as to whether anyone yet knew of our disappearance. There was an unspoken tone of panic between us, although no one was yet ready to voice their concerns, caught up in the grief of being surrounded by death.

After about an hour of being disconsolate, I knew I needed to pull myself together and help the others. There was an unbearable pain throbbing in my heart, choking me and wringing more tears out of my already empty eyes. I just couldn't believe this nightmare was real... there was no going back, no re-runs. But it wasn't over yet. We were in a dire situation ourselves. Matias and Mason had searched through the remaining part of the plane and the entirety of our luggage, and they had come up with a couple of bars and sweet packets, and five bottles of water. The compartment holding the large suitcases was currently up in the air, and unreachable unless you climbed up a tree. This would be a difficult feat considering that the trees were all pushed outwards, leaning away from the plane. As Matias mentioned as well, there was no way we could be sure that the door was even functional. This left us with hardly any food and minimal water.

Paisley and Abi-Mae started panicking again, crying about how we were all going to die. The situation was bleak, and all of us had teary eyes. Matias sharply told them to calm down and that them freaking out was only going to upset everyone, not help us to survive. I admired his bravery in this difficult time, as I couldn't even breathe without the lump at the back of my throat threatening to burst. Liam's leg was a bloodied mess where he was trapped behind my seat, broken in several places, and he was having difficulty breathing, taking in sharp and shallow breaths. He was laid out in the plane, not able to move and trying desperately to remain calm. James was sat with him, encouraging him to sip some water. We tried to downplay the situation for Liam's sake, but he needed medical attention urgently. I was worried that where his ribs had broken it had caused some damage to his lungs or heart.

Apart from Liam though, we were all in a manageable condition. Paisley's shattered hand was numb and Chip was having trouble seeing out of his right eye, but the rest of our injuries were dealable. We all had cuts and bruises, but were fighting through the pain. I decided to look through the plane again for anything else that could help us survive until we were rescued, but apart from some clothes that could keep us warm at night I drew up short. After a little while, Elian and Mason came in to keep Liam company and search through the plane. Mason managed to find some blankets stashed in the overhead box, and a first aid box at the back of the plane, hidden under a seat. He was clearly in a lot of pain with his shoulder, which was more then likely dislocated. His skin was an ashy gray colour and he had to stop every few seconds with heavy, laboured breathing. When Matias came into the plane and saw what a bad condition he was in, he offered to pop it back into place for him.

"What! Do you even know how to do that?" Mason gasped, looking green at the thought.

"Well, I saw it on TV once, and I know it will definitely make you feel better if I do mate." Matias shrugged, although I could see him nervously playing with his fingers.

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