Part 2

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The deafening sound of the siren never failing to damage my ear drums,I wonder if by the end of the year I'll be able to walk straight, Its just too loud.
Its 07:30 am indicating the beginning of our first class today.

Its been two weeks since school opened and its still the same;the students who forget their assignments and teachers who are never around, teachers who are always around,the students who never pay attention.. The usual.

Refraction written in bold letters on our black board.

"So who can define refraction?", Mr Harjit claps his hands either to get the class' full attention or to dust the white chalk dust off his finger tips.
He looks at the class expectantly,waiting for an answer.

And of course Chungu confidently raises his right hand prepared to answer the question. Mr Hajit slightly shakes his head in disbelief, his been teaching us for two weeks and Chungu just seems to be the only one interested while the class acts as if they have seen their ex or someone who wants to steal their best friend.

But I kind of feel the same too,even though I usually do not participate in class, let me correct that i never participate I just hide in the shadows of the unknown,unheard and unseen. I did enjoy our former physics teacher,she was so fun and always made jokes making learning physics so much fun.

But now it feels like our ray of sunshine has been snatched away from us replaced with a cloud not light or dark,just grey neither indicating thunder or a storm,it's just there kind of blocking the sun.

" Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through one medium to another." Eric answers shocking the entire class. He is one of the cool kids, hanging with two of thee most handsome boys in school himself inclusive.Luke is like the king of the pack and then Brian and Eric are his servants despite their overwhelming cuteness Eric is definitely not one of the brightest out of the three, that is why we all gasped when he answered.

Rumor has it that his parents pay teachers to give him good grades,it is said its hard for him to even get a D- or D+ if they even exist. But I must say I'm very proud of him,at least the saying 'do not judge a book by it's cover worked in his favour' . I join the class in giving him a loud applause for this new development.

But after I notice something,I immediately drop my freezing hands in the pockets of navy blue school Cardigan and look at Eric with wide eyes.

Are my eyes deceiving me?

A white cover with shades of  blue with big bold letters in black on the front cover that read Oxford Dictionary neatly tucked in between his lap.

Anyway he should do what suites him.


Time moves slowly as classes finally come to an end succeeding in draining the life out of me.I picked up my bag and headed straight for the door as soon as our English teacher closed the door behind her. I know the dangers of leaving a minute after the teacher leaves the class... Its social suicide.

1.) People who will try to greet you but will never talk you.(I know it's seems weird but I have struggles in social interaction with human contact).

2.)The struggle of keeping a conversation going when you have nothing in common.

3.) The fear of being last when leaving the class,knowing full well that's just dangerous... I wonder if these people think about all the money their parents are spending on them,that others can only dream of. They out here kissing and stuff.

4.) Last but not least, being a victim of a Bully's prank hour

Not only that in Zambia we don't have different classes for each subject we sit in the same class for 8 hours a day five days a week,teachers come and go for every subject, yep we just sit and wait.We don't have lockers (as seen in the movies) we sit with our books and carry all books needed for that day talk about back pain.

I know you're wondering if I've had any friends,well I used to have one when I was younger but that's a story for a another day.I just don't easily vibe with people.

I quickly swim through the thick cloud of people and dash straight ahead for my mother's car.
I wish it were Friday already.

On Friday we are having a youth overnight meeting at church-I don't usually go to youth fellowships, but i do go on Sundays and the pastor announced that whoever attends the overnight youth meeting will go to the Youth picnic for free.Firstly I hate sports,Secondly I love food,I need to work on my social life sooner or later.

I'm still exploring.

See you soon.

Love you.

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