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735 likes Yabuki_jandi I wonder how is that handsome guy doing right now? (The one who lived in America for a few years, 00 liner, and has the letters un in his first name) right Wonyoung?

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Yabuki_jandi I wonder how is that handsome guy doing right now? (The one who lived in America for a few years, 00 liner, and has the letters un in his first name) right Wonyoung?

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Kw.eunbi nako!!!

Bangbangchan in our group?
Yabuki_jandi ask Wonyoung I think she knows better

JeongIN i suddenly want to play this game
Yabuki_jandi sure you can join
Ahnceleb me too

Ahnceleb who? Why am I not aware
Wonyounggie i only told 5 people
Jojo why not me
Wonyounggie they found out themselves
Ahnceleb tell us
Wonyounggie no way!!!

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