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"Hyunjin oppa here," Wonyoung waves her hand in the cafè as soon as hyunjin entered.

"Oh hello," hyunjin greeted her.

"Hi I am sorry I feel so bad," Wonyoung said pouting.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Hyunjin smiled as he put is hands on the table.

"I feel bad for using you i am so sorry you can leave now if you want," Wonyoung said putting her hands on his.

How can I leave you when you are hold my hands now.

"No I agreed myself so you don't need to worry about it so do you have a plan?" Hyunjin asked after comforting her.

"Yeah," Wonyoung smiled.


"Wonyoung ah," dohyun called out for Wonyoung.

Wonyoung smiled as she walked towards him.

"Hello," Wonyoung greeted shyly.

"Hi," dohyun greeted her back as he scratched his nape. "should we go?"

"Yeah let's go," Wonyoung said and they walked to a restaurant.

Hyunjin hated himself so much but, couldn't do anything about it he just watched them have their date.

"do you really love me?" Wonyoung asked dohyun suddenly.

"Yeah a lot," dohyun said smiling which made wonyoung blush.

"Do you know what love is?" Wonyoung asked honestly dohyun was taken back he didn't expect this question.

"Of course," dohyun answered.

"Can you define it for me?" Wonyoung asked him a favor.

"It's to love no wait to trust, respect, and understand the person you love," dohyun said proudly.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Wonyoung said suddenly which made dohyun smile.

"I don't have a girlfriend too," dohyun said smiling shyly and wonyoung smiled too shyly.

Hyunjin imagined how lucky he would be only if he was dohyun.

Wonyoung was an ideal girlfriend for everyone.

"What do you want to eat?" Dohyun asked.

"Anything you like," Wonyoung said holding his arm.

"Alright then I will go order," dohyun said leaving Wonyoung on their table.

Wonyoung kept smiling to herself.

Please be my ideal dohyun please don't let me doubt you.

Wonyoung forgot all about the plan Until hyunjin texted her.

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