Character Profile

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Name: Cassandra "Cassie" Hotchner

Age: 19

Hair: Brown

Eye: Emerald Green

IQ level: 120

Personality: kind, caring, protective, laid back, free spirited

Traits: dorky smile, loose curly hair, smart

Family: Aaron Hotchner: adoptive father
               Haley Hotchner: adoptive mother
               Jack Hotchner: adoptive brother

Likes: music, singing, telling stories, drawing, writing stories, sweets

Dislikes: fighting, violence, blood, bullies, someone messing with her family, spicy things

Instruments: piano, guitar, bass

Best Friend: Penelope Garcia

Friends: JJ, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid

Mentor: David Rossi

Nicknames for her:
Aaron: sweetie
Haley: Sunshine
Jack: Cass
Penelope: Wonder Girl
JJ: Cassie
Emily: CH
Derek: Sweets
Spencer: Beethoven
Rossi: Little Wonder

Nicknames for the team:
Aaron: Dad
Haley: Mom
Jack: Little man/j-boy/little bro
Penelope: Batgirl/ Ms. Tech/ Fairy Godmother
JJ: Supermom/J/Cinderella
Emily: Em/Lily
Derek: Flirt
Spencer: Book Worm/Brainiac/ Smarty Pants
Rossi: Italian/ Ross

Favorite Colors: blue, purple, red, grey teal

Theme song: Head Above the Water by Avril Lavigne

Cassandra has been through a lot more than what people think. She was taken out of a very dark place. At first she didn't trust a living thing. But then she slowly opened up to the Hotchner family. Thus allowing her to express herself through her music.

Theme songs for others:

Hotchner Family: I'm with you by Avril Lavigne

The Hotchner family helped her open up. She saw they would always be there for her. No matter what happens she is always right there. And she thanks everyone for it. She loves all three of them. Because they are with her to the very end.

Penelope: Inner Demons by Julia Brennan

Penelope has seen some stuff. No one can deny it. From everything she has to look at it amazes Cassandra how she is so positive. After hearing her past Cassie understood well what it's like to be lost. So she told Penelope that Inner Demons don't always win. And she was right.

JJ: Salute by Little Mix

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