First Case: Part 1

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I sat on the plane beside Spencer. I was reading over a copy of the files Garcia gave me. So far all we knew was that three girls were missing and three bodies have been found. All same MO and marks. All of these girls were young, between ages of 15 and 17. They had bright futures. So why them?

"What's wrong?" I heard my dad ask.

I looked up and noticed everyone looking at me.

"Oh nothing. It's just...this unsub, he's going after young girls. The marks on the girls are from defense wounds. That tells me that the person is roughly late teens early twenties. There's no way an older man with more strength would have a hard time with the young girls. It's someone their age." I said pointing out self defense wounds I spotted.

"Hotch She's right. The marks correspond with those you find when someone fights back." Spencer agreed.

"Nice catch kid." Morgan said impressed.

I smiled shyly as we landed.

"Alright, Morgan and Emily go to the abduction sight. Reid, you and Cassandra go to the ME's office and see if you can find anything else. JJ, you me and Rossi will head to the police department and talk with the families." My dad said.

We all nodded and grabbed our bags before heading to the vehicles. Spencer seemed very hesitant to drive. Once everyone was gone I held my hand out for the keys.

"It's obvious you don't like to drive. I have my license. I'll drive us if it makes your more comfortable." I explained as he gave me a quizzical look.

He sighed in relief giving me a smile and handed me the keys. I laughed and got in the driver's seat before taking off. Reid told me where to turn so I didn't have to take my hands off the steering wheel.

"Hey Cassandra? How did you notice those marks? They were so small even I missed them." Spencer asked as I pulled in.

"I notice small details that others tend to miss. But you give me a math equation and I surrender." I joke.

Spencer laughed at my joke as we got out. I fixed my shirt and followed behind the tall male in front of me. We met with the ME as she began to explain everything.

"Cause of Death was strangulation. But with the different color of bruising the person keeps them for a bit. They were strangled at different points of time so I can't say for sure when they were killed." She began as she pointed out the bruising on one victims neck.

"Where there any signs of sexual assault? Anti or post modem?" Spencer asked as I looked under the sheet.

"On the last two victims, yes. However, with the first victim....well..." she said before swallowing.

I raised an eye brown and walked over to Samantha Gray, 17 years old with brown hair and brown eyes. She was a mixed, bright young girl. I lifted the sheet and noticed stitches by her...oh my god.

"I'm so glad this wasn't in the report." I said shakily letting the sheet down closing my eyes.

"Now you understand why it was difficult for me to write many details. She was the most tortured out of the three. This person had some history with her." The Medical Examiner said sympathetically.

"That's an understatement. Thank you doctor. If you find anything else please feel free to contact us." I responded shaking her hand.

Me and Spencer walked out silently. I could tell he wanted to ask what I saw but I honestly couldn't bring myself to say it.

"I know what you are thinking but please let's just wait till we get to the rest of the team. This guy is a whole new kind of sick and twisted." I shuddered as I continued to drive.

"Was it that bad?" He asked.

"Worse than you know..." I mumbled before pulling into the parking space.

Derek and Emily were back so it made it easier on me. I took a deep breath before entering. The first person I noticed was JJ. She smiled before looking at my pale face.

"Woah you ok? You're a little pale." She said worried.

"Yeah. Is my dad around?" I asked smiling weakly.

"He's in the room we are set up. Spence, help me get her there without falling." JJ said helping keep me steady on one side.

"She saw something disturbing at the ME office. Won't say anything." Spencer whispered quietly.

Soon we made it to the team. My dad looked up and quickly walked to me helping me sit down. I placed my head in my hands closing my eyes.

"Hey what's wrong? Are you ok?" My dad asked softly.

"This unsub...he's raped the second and third victim. But the first...he sewed her shut." I said trying my best not to say anything graphic.

JJ and Emily understood immediately. Uncle Rossi knew and so did my dad.

"What?" Derek asked confused.

"This unsub sewed this thing." Emily said pointing at a body drawing.

At once Derek and Spencer understood. Everyone looked at me concerned as I waved my hand dismissively.

"I'm fine guys. Just a little shook up. I'll be fine in a few minuets. Any leads from the abduction sight for the three new victims?" I asked standing up after calming my nerves.

"Oh yeah. One of the clerks at the store saw Jasmin, Alina and Brianna together. The three looked as though they were heading to a party or coming from one." Emily said pointing to the three new victims.

Morgan's phone began to ring. He answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hey babygirl. Got anything?" He asked.

"Nothing so far. I will say that all six victims were very active on social media. Samantha's last post was one of going to a party with her best friends, victims Victoria and Alyssa." The tech responded typing.

"So wait both groups of three were last seen together. All heading to a party..." I mumbled before walking over to the board.

My eyes traced each facial feature. Post mortem and pre. Like lightning, my brain lit up in a better picture.

"This unsub has a type. He's going after girls in groups of 3. He is definitely a high schooler. Hey Garcia? Can you do a check for kids at the school. See if anyone has a reoccurring past with party issues." I said speaking loud enough so she could hear me.

"Uhm let's see.. oh here we go. According to this Police have been dispatched to the same house multiple times for noise complaints. When they arrive, they shut down a big party thrown by one 18 year old James Morriston." Garcia confirmed.

"He knows something about the disappearances. He isn't the unsub, but he knows who is." I said looking at the team.

"Alright thanks Garcia." Morgan said before hanging up.

"I'll stay here and look over anything we missed. I'll start working up ways to get him to break." I said as my dad nodded.

"I'll stay behind and help. Call if you need us." Spencer said as we watched the group walk out.

"Are you sure this is right?" One of the officers asked.

"Yes. And if he is the unsub, he won't be able to run." I sighed looking back at the board

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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