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"Just tell us what we want to know. Then all of this can end." His voice boomed.

A small smirk played on his lips. I groaned as another wave of pain hit my chest area. My friends and family were tied up around me. Fear spread through their faces. I sat up gripping my side. I looked up through my half lidded eyes.

"Bite. Me." I growled.

His smirk fell as he raised his leg and kicked my side. Over and over I felt the pain drive through me. I didn't give into what he wanted. I promised I would keep this.

"Fine. If you don't talk...I'll make you talk." He growled walking over to my love.

I felt the fear grow in me. I tried moving as he walked closer. I tried crawling towards him but I couldn't. But he didn't shake in fear. He smiled and looked towards me.

"I love you doll, you know that?" He said.

"Of course I do! I'm sorry I got you into this!" I cried trying to reach him.

"You'll be ok. I love you to the moon and back." Was the last thing he said.

A loud bang filled the air. I stared in horror as did my friends. My love had just died in front of me. The one I promised would be safe. We were supposed to marry. Tears fell down my face like a river in a storm. A scream filled the room. I didn't realize it was me.


I shot up in my bed as sweat fell down my face. My lungs begged for air but I couldn't seem to give it to them. My door flew open as my dad ran to my side.

"Hey it's alright. You're ok I promise. I'm here I'll protect you." He said softly as I clung to him.

"H-he was there. I-I could have saved him....why? Why did he have to die?" I cried shaking in controllably.

"Is everything ok?" My mom asked.

"Cassie had another nightmare. She's ok." My dad answered.

"Oh sunshine. I'm sorry you keep having these dreams." My mom said coming to the other side of my bed.

"I'll be fine mom. I just have to deal with it somehow." I laughed wiping my tears.

"You know we are always here. Come on, I say early pancakes!" My dad cheered making us laugh as he walked out.

"Come on. We don't want the boys to eat all of the pancakes." Mom said kissing my forehead.

I smiled as she walked out. I sighed softly looking at a picture of me and my boyfriend.

"I miss you Al. I know you would want me to move on. But it's so hard." I whispered clasping a necklace he gave me around my neck.

I got out of bed stretching before fixing my night gear. As I walked out Jack stood sleepily in his crib.

"Hey little man. Did I wake you up?" I asked softly.

"No. But I'm hungry." He said yawning.

"Well that's good. Because dad is making pancakes!" I smiled as he cheered.

I picked him up and placed him on my hip as I walked towards the kitchen. Jack laid his head on my shoulder as we arrived.

"Little Man is up. He was hungry." I said placing him in his high chair.

"Are you hungry buddy?" Mom asked.

"Mhm. Cassie said daddy was making pancakes." Jack said waking up.

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