Chapter 1

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At last they arrived at the rodeo; they had 30 minutes to sign up for the barrel racing competition. "The winner gets $300 that's good." Sighed Jessabell. She knew that wasn't as much as they needed to pay the truck bill, gas, and for dinner for the both of them. "At least it's something that's better than nothing." said her mom. Jessabell slowly backed her young, spunky, and gorgeous gelding. He is a light palomino paint with fierce blue eyes and four white stockings. As Jessabell pulled her saddle out of the trailer, Heather walked up. Heather was the most competition Jessabell had. She had long red hair, green eyes, and she was strangely short.  "Well well well if it isn't second best Jess," sneered Heather," come to lose." "No actually I came to stomp you into the ground again." replied Jessabell. "Whatever loser." said Heather as she stalked off. She shook off Heather's remarks as she finished tacking up Glory her gelding. He snorted at her as if he was saying he was nervous about today's competition. "It's ok Glory we'll do just fine." soothed Jessabell. She ride him slowly over to the warmup pen to warmup. She trotted around the edge of the pen; the announcers called for the competitors to head to the arena. "Jess go do your best out there." cheered her mom. She loped over to the alley; where Heather sat up top her filly Feather. Feather was short, a beautiful dappled grey, young, spunky filly. The filly pawed excitedly when Glory and Jessabell rode up. Jessabell and Glory are pair next riders boomed the announcer. "Ok boy its time to beat Heather."whispered Jessabell. They walked to the entrance of the alley where she took a deep breath and waited. The gate slammed open and she took off riding Glory like a champ. She spun around the three barrels and ran a record time of twelve seconds flat. "That was slow second best Jess," sneered Heather,"my time is gonna be way faster than yours." Jessabell ignored everything she had just said and walked Glory back to the trailer. Her mom ran up screaming in shock at how fast she ran the barrels. "Oh my gosh that was Ur fastest time ever!" screamed he mom. "Thanks mom," said Jessabell,"I know." About twenty minutes later the announcers began telling the placing. On third place Jennifer Horton, second place Heather Smith, and in first Jessabell Neundorff. The crowd went wild as they finished announcing the placing. "Congrats Jessabell Neundorff come to the announcers stand to collect your prize money!" boomed the announcers. Jessabell walked up the stairs confidently with her mom at her side. She retrieved her money and left. "Come on Glory," whispered Jessabell,"we got to go find another rodeo." She loaded him into the trailer as Heather walked up. "Well looks like you won this time you won't win next time." sneered Heather. The next thing Jessabell knew was Heather grabbed a stick and hit Jessabell in the head. She collapsed on the ground as Heather walked off. "Lets see you walk away from that Jess." sneered Heather as she walked her away. "Jess what happened!" screamed her mom. Her mom carefully lifted her off the ground and carried her to the backseat of the truck. Her mom put an ice pack on her forehead and waited till she came too. About a hour later Jessabell came to and explained everything that had happened. Her mom was furious at what Heather had done. She hurriedly got everything ready and they left the rodeo.

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