Chapter 2

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They had been driving all night on the way to the Colorado County Fair and Rodeo. Jessabell sighed as they passed mile marker number eight hundred and thirty-four only three hundred miles left to drive she thought. She convinced her mom to stop at a truck to let her check on Glory. "Hey bud how you doing back here?" she whispered to Glory. He snorted as if to say ok I'd be better in the truck though. "I know bud," sighed Jessabell ," only three hundred more miles to go." She knew this was a tiring trip for the both of them. Her mom said enthusiastically," I got us some little pizzas to eat." Jessabell took one and sat down to eat when Heather showed up at the truck stop. She persuaded her mom to hide and not confront Heather. After Heather left and didn't see them they got in the truck and left. As they drove down the long backroad a deer ran out in front of the truck. They screamed as her mom swerved to avoid the deer. When they did the truck flipped and starting rolling. When it stopped Jessabell got out and called the police. She ran to check on her mom only to find her dead. She cried out in sadness and ran to Glory. She opened the trailer and found him dead too. She collapsed on the ground crying out in agony. The police showed up and tried to comfort her, but she refused to accept sympathy for the police officer. They guided her to the police office; when they got there that called her dad. He showed up three hours later concerned and distraught about what happenedHe rushed to comfort her but she pushed him away. "Sir would  you like to go get all of the property that is still salvageable?" asked the police officer. Her dad nodded slowly  and went to get Jessabell and tell her to go get her stuff. She walked out to the tattered, crushed, and destroyed truck and trailer. She began to collect all of her and her mom's stuff. She quickly walked away from the truck and all the memories left in that truck. "I'm  ready  dad." sighed Jessabell. Her dad nodded and led her to his car where they packed up all of her stuff and headed to the city where her new chapter in her life will begin.

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