Till Infinity And Beyond

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Everyone know who Tony Stark was, Entrepreneur, Playboy, Billionaire, Philanthropist. But not everyone seen the clumsy, giggling, loving Tony Stark. Only one person could bring that out from him, none other than Bucky Barnes, ever since he moved into the compound, Bucky would always flirt with him, tease him and had tickle wars on the couch. Like every other day, Tony would walk to the kitchen looking tired as hell, as he finally left his lab for proper food, and just in time it would be Bucky's turn to cook, as he drags himself into the kitchen, the smell of eggs and bacons filled the air, Tony moans to the smell, only for Bucky to greet him,

"Morning Dollface, finally leaving your shell?" Bucky greets him as he plates the bacons, Tony blushes slightly and smiles at him, Tony took a seat at the table, where He was alone, Bucky slides him his plate and coffee, and walks over to Tony and kisses his forehead,Tony just say his thanks and grins at him, as he digs in to his food, Bucky stood next to him, resting his head on Tony's shoulder, he body was facing the other way round,

" I heard from Peter that, the skies will be clear tonight, up for any stargazing?" Bucky asked him, as he turns his head sideways, where his face nearly rest against Tony's cheeks, Tony turns to him and smile,

" Anything for you love." He says as he places a soft kiss on Bucky's lips, Bucky smiles at him,

" I haven't ate, could i have some bacon please." Bucky asked him, Tony just nods, and places one end of the bacon in his mouth, and turns to Bucky, where he took the other end of it in his mouth, they both took slow bites till they reach the middle and their lips meets again, this time Bucky stood properly and cups one hand on Tony's jaw, the other on his thighs, kissing him softly and nibbling his bottom lips, squeezing his thighs lightly, earning a small moan from Tony.

" Jesus! Get a room guys, I didn't come down for breakfast just to see two old man making out." Clint says as he throws a piece of bread to the couple, Tony groans to the lost of contact when Bucky pulls away, Bucky grins at him and kisses his forehead, then he turns to Clint and picks up the bread and throws it back at Clint, smacking it in the middle of his face.

" Well i didn't make you come down for breakfast!" Bucky replies him, clearly annoyed. Soon a food fight started, they were throwing fruits and yoghourts , spoons and forks, even plates were flying around, Tony just sat there laughing at the boys, even when Thor and Peter came down and join them, they build an alliance, Bucky and Peter on the same team while Clint and Thor was on the other, the whole kitchen was a mess by the time Steve and Sam came back from their run, the food fight had to stop when Clint throws an egg it hits Natasha's forehead, Natasha just glares at him,

"What the fuck! Are you boys 5! You are a father of three and yet what are you doing?" Natasha raised her voice and points to Clint, Clint just bows his head,

" And you! A fucking god! King of Asgard, and how old are you!" She said to Thor who apologised at her, she turns to Bucky,

" You're a 100 yr old soldier, how could you stoop so low and join them!" Natasha growls, Bucky just look at her, he mouths his sorry,

" and You parker! I know you're young but I expected so much from you." Natasha said as she walks to Peter.

" Hey Hey enough alright, they know they did wrong." Tony said as he stood up and walks towards Peter and Bucky, standing infront of them, even if he was a lot shorter.

" You can't always back them up Stark, yes you're dating him, and he's like your son to you, but please they need to be disciplined." Natasha said, as she cross her arms infront of her.

" Fine, I'll ask Bucky to clean this up, and Peter too, you can bring the other two boys to shop for groceries, use their allowance if you need, I'm sorry alright." Tony said as he sighs and turns to the boys, his great morning turning sour, Natasha just shakes her head and left the kitchen to shower again, Peter and Bucky starts to clean the kitchen, which Steve also helped, Clint and Thor went to shower and get changed, as they're going groceries shopping with Sam and Natasha. As Tony about to leave the kitchen,

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