Chapter 6: On the way to Tamio

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Bakugou's PoV

The case of the dragon's brood Kirishima let me barely sleep the night. I had a strange feeling about this mission that just didn't go away. When dawn finally came, I got up. I couldn't sleep anyway.

I quickly got dressed and threw the thick red cape over my shoulders, which distinguished me as a subordinate of the king. Then I took my faithful sword, which had already finished numerous dragons, and strapped it to my belt. I briefly looked around the barren hostel room to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, then I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.

I took a quick step to the next room and knocked on the door energetically. "Aizawa! I want to leave!"

A moment later, the door opened. Aizawa looked even more sleepy than usual, but surprisingly he was ready to leave. "All right. I'll wake the troop."

I went down the stairs to the guest room. I impatiently sat down at one of the round tables and waited for my followers to get ready. I was in a bad mood. The sleep deprivation put my already quick-tempered mind to the test.

But Aizawa had always possessed the ability to jolt his troop into action. I only had to wait a few minutes and one after the other stomped tiredly down the stairs until everyone was finally assembled. From the kitchen we all received a bit of bread for breakfast, normally it wasn't occupied that early, and then we set off.

When I finally got in the saddle, I sighed with relief. I knew it was hard for me to go hunting on my own and needed people at my back, but sometimes I would have found it much easier just to be on my own. Then I could act intuitively and would not have to wait all the time.

Together we rode out of the small village and headed first for the witch Ochako. Already from a distance I saw the small round stone house standing at the edge of the forest. I would be really surprised if the dragon's brood wouldn't have passed here. Thank God the witch was always very talkative.

When we arrived at the cottage I got off my horse without hesitation and walked towards the door. I heard quiet footsteps behind me and was sure that Aizawa was following me as usual. I raised my fist and knocked vigorously on the door. Only a moment later the door opened and a face too familiar to me appeared.

"Katsuki!" she shouted and immediately after that she wrapped her arms around my neck. I took a step back, shook her off and pushed her a little away from me. "It's nice that you came to visit me, I haven't seen you for ages!"

"Tch. We're not here to visit you. We have a mission," I grumbled irritatedly. "Besides, since when did I allow you to call me by my first name?"

"But you also call me by my first name!" she poutted.

"Tch. Everyone calls you by your first name. Now let us in," I replied annoyed.

Ochako looked past me at Aizawa and examined him briefly. Then she nodded and made a step to the side to let us in. In the round room I was greeted by the soothing scent of herbs. Quickly, I looked around curiously. The room reminded me strongly of her tower room when she had lived at the royal court.

"Did you want anything? Biscuits, tea?" she asked and clapped her hands.

I was about to answer, but Aizawa interrupted me. "No. We are not here to drink tea. Besides, I would never take anything from a witch."

Ochako frowned. "That was a bit insulting now."

Aizawa shrugged his shoulders. "I trust Prince Shouto had a reason when he insisted that you leave the royal court."

I laughed. They looked at me in surprise and I pulled myself together again quickly. "This had nothing to do with her witchcraft. This half-and-half bastard was just jealous."

"Bakugou!" Aizawa shouted outraged when he heard my nickname for the prince.

Ochako's eyes sparkled and she tried to suppress a grin. "Isn't it a little daring to call the king's son a bastard? Anyway, you're probably right. But as you both already remarked, you are here for something else. So what is it?"

"We're chasing a dragon's brood. 17 years, 170 cm tall, long black hair. Did he come by here?" I asked her and was now busy pursuing my mission again.

Ochako did not answer directly. "I suppose you speak of the one from Nirakawa? I heard about the rumor. But no, nobody passed by here," she finally said hesitantly and avoided my gaze.

I frowned. "You've always been a bad liar."

Kirishima's PoV

Something cracked very close to me and I opened my eyes and looked around frantically. My heart was beating up in my throat, until I noticed the crow pulling on one of the thin branches scattered all over the ground in search of nesting material.

Trembling, I stroked one of the red strands of hair from my face and straightened up. My back hurt from the hard ground and I stretched. I was immediately overcome again by the feeling of loneliness when I saw nothing but forest in front of me. I reached for my water skein and took a deep sip before hanging it on my belt and shouldering the rest of my belongings. I wanted to go on immediately. The sun was already quite high in the sky and I didn't want to waste any time.

When I looked at my sleeping place I noticed shuddering how easy it would have been to find me. Until a few minutes ago I lay there sleeping and defenseless. I had been so tired last night that I hadn't been looking far away from the path for a sleeping place and had taken the next best option. The next time I had to be more careful, especially since the king's troops were certainly on my heels.

So I set off quickly to reach Tamio as soon as possible. My only hope was that the dragonslayer who chased me would need at least two days to get to Nirakawa. At least when he started riding from the capital. But what if someone was already stationed nearby?

I quickened my step a little bit. And when I thought my tension couldn't get any higher, I suddenly heard the hoofbeat of several horses on the road behind me.

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