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\/\/\/\/\/Two Months Later/\/\/\/\/\

Its been two months and I have seen everyone except Rocky.

I have cried my self to sleep every night for a month. Why am I missing him do much? I haven't seen Ryry in like two weeks, but I haven't seen Rocky.

"Riker? Wheres Rocky been?"

Riker looked up at me with a little bit of a 'oh no' look.

"He's. Um. Ross! Come here!"

Ross ran down the stairs. "What?"

"Where Rocky?" I asked getting a little bit scared.

"He's, join the military and wont be back for six more months."

"But aren't we going on tour next month?"

"Yeah, without Rocky. So, he made a video on how to play guitar,so you could take his place in the band while he's gone."

"No one can take Rocky's place, but I will be his stand in."

Ross and Riker nodded 'ok'.

I didn't really notice until now but I haven't spent much time with the boys sense we moved.

I went up stairs to ask Ross if he wanted to go do something today.

'Knock Knock'

"Its open."

"Hey. I was wondering, would you, can we go do something today. Just us. We don't really talk or hang out like we used to."

He just looked up at me and nodded. Then went back to his phone.

Really, really Ross. Just nod when I ask if we could do something together. Geez, nevermind then.

I walked out of the room and went to the front yard.

I sat in the tree house Nash built with Hayes and Cameron.

I heard foot steps climbing up the ladder.

"Hey." Hayes said coming in the tree house.

"Hi." I said sadly.

"Whats wrong?"

"I asked Ross if we could go do something together, just the two of us. All he did was look up at me and nod. Never said anything, never said 'like what', or even say 'what were you thinking'. I just feel like he doesn't love me anymore."

"Of course he loves you. Your his sister. I mean come on, when has he ever hurt you?"

I gave him the 'really do you not remember what happened look'.

"Um lets see. He left me on the beach alone for like four hours. Yelled at me. pushed me into the wall. Tried to hide his girlfriend. I can going if you want."

"No thanks. But he's still your brother, you need to talk to him."

"Fine, but only because he's my brother, and I live with him." I said climbing down the tree house.

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