.01 | 愛

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Somehow it feels wrong, to remember you.
Because I want to make you only mine.

Somehow, I hate to remember you,
Because I'm embarrassed
To get all mushy on my own.

But you came home tired after working all night
And yet you picked me up and carried me.
Even though I was dreaming, I knew.

Even though I was dreaming, I knew

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WORD COUNT: 1,315.


As the sun edged down behind the trees, Indra could feel the cold air of the evening swallow him whole, but he just couldn't bring himself to go home.

Outside he could see the stars; the millions of twinkling stars that dotted across the sky like glitter. There wasn't a cloud there, he noted, just a clear sky.

Nothing happening, nothing to worry about. It was perfect.

And so was [Name].

From the tree branch he was on, he watched as you combed through your hair with those slender fingers and flicked through the pages of the book you read. He never understood why he fascinated you so much, but there was something so captivating about you.

Maybe it was the way you had the most luscious [colored] hair he'd ever seen, but still managed to fall in a beautiful way - both elegant and alluring at the same time. Or maybe it was the way your [colored] eyes lit up at the mention of your favourite topics, or the way your smile radiated as you laughed.

He couldn't pin-point it. All he knew was that he admired everything about you, and he didn't want to miss a moment of it.

"Wow." He muttered, crossing his arms across his body, attempting to keep himself warm. "This is fascinating."

Indra was utterly in love with [name].

He loved you a lot to the point where he had bloodied his knuckles punching a tree knowing it would never be returned. You only saw him as a best friend, or dear brother after all since you always tried keeping your distance. He noticed this, too.

Now Ashura who knew this felt bad for his brother and somewhat loathed you for not seeing someone as amazing as him right next to you.

It was the Ōtsutsuki's first love.

The boy would do anything to make you happy, no matter the cost.

Even if he knew deep within himself that you don't hold the same yearning as he did.

Oh, but how terribly wrong he was.

Unrequited love ✗ Indra Uchiha one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now