How it all started

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Lui was pacing back and forth in the hospital, he wished those screams would stop, but they didn't, not for a while. After What seemed forever, Lui was finally allowed to go inside the room. Lui hurried inside and saw Valt panting. They have been married for 2 years and they both loved each other greatly. Lui got Valt pregnant and they were both happy and surprised to learn that Valt had 10 babies inside of him. They made sure to learn how to take care of children and they also prepared their home.
      "Valt! How are you?" Lui asked, worried for his lover. "F-Fine!" Valt manages to say. "Where are they?" Asked Lui. "In the o-other room."  "Can I see them?". Valt nodded. "I'll be here, resting."
      Lui went to the other room and saw all the 10 children. 5 were girls and 5 were boys. One of the babies caught Lui's eye and he looked at it. The girls looked like Valt and the boys as Lui, but the boy looked like both. He had light blue hair with some dark blue streaks in it. Lui picked it up and started tearing up.
        Lui has never held anything this fragile in his life. Lui noticed that they all already had names. Alex, Lui thought, Nice name choice Valt. Lui looked around and saw all the names. Alex, Cyndi, Andi, Tanya, Diego, Mia, Athena, Leon, Michael, and Tyson. Looks like Athena is the oldest and Alex is the youngest. Lui was proud of Valt, being able to handle all this. Lui put Alex back, and went to go check on Valt. "Valt? I just saw our children and I'm glad I fell in love with you." Lui walked over to where Valt was. Valt lay there unmoving. Lui got closer and shook Valt. "Valt?!?"
Lui started to panic and felt Valt for a heart beat. There, was none. "NO VALT!!!" Lui screamed. Nurses came in and tried to drag Lui away as doctors came in and tried to revive Valt. Lui kept thrashing around and screaming. "NOOOO! VALT PLEASE WAKE UP!" The nurses took him out and Lui kept banging on the door. Lui eventually gave up and started crying.
     5 painful minutes later, the doctors came out to give Lui the sad news. "He did not make it with all the pain", the doctor told him. Lui was a huge mess now. They would have a funeral for Valt in a week. Lui was all alone now, and he had 10 children to care for.
Lui was now in the room Valt used to be in. Lui was crying, but he knew he would have to work hard to help his children Valt left him. Lui closed his eyes and wished he could wake up from this nightmare. He just wanted to wake up and find Valt by his side, snoring away.
~2 weeks later-
Lui was at his house, rushing to each kid. "I'll be there Andi! No, Leon, Tyson don't touch that!" Lui bearly managed to turn around when he saw Athena and Alex painting on the walls. Where did they even get that?, Lui thought. "I love all you guys, but can you please stop moving!"
Since Lui was raising 10 kids on his own, Lui did have some help. Gabe came occasionally and Shu always would help with the groceries. Today though, Lui was going to get some help. He went online to hire a babysitter, but none of them seem to good enough for his children. Lui gave up and leaned back to see his children sleeping peacefully. Lui sighed and went to tuck them in. Lui was so tired that he fell asleep right next to them and snuggled up with Alex.
When he woke up, he saw Shu standing over him with someone else besides him. The figure had Tyson in his arms. Lui was about to grab Tyson but Shu's voice stopped him. "Lui, I got you a babysitter!"
Okay, there's the first chapter,
Sorry if it's short!!
Thx for reading!

 "Lui, I got you a babysitter!" ———————————————Okay, there's the first chapter, Sorry if it's short!!Thx for reading!~Silverous10

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Lui x Boa: Short DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now