Chapter 0

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Chapter 0:
'Past To Present'

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A young boy by the name of Isaac Foster quickly walked down a dark deserted street in the middle of the night. He walked down the sidewalk in a small neighborhood in sort of a small secluded town. His black hood of his hoodie was thrown over his head, to try and protect his hair from getting wet by the pounding hard rain that crashed down from above in the black dark clouded sky. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie, his wet shoes hit hard into the water puddles that were forming from the rain above. His feet started pounding on the ground as he ran down the dark street as he had checked what the time was on his phone that he had always hidden away from his parents, knowing how much trouble he would be in by his parents, especially his father, if they found out he had any type of electronic that could connect him to the outside world. Finally Isaac had made it a large secluded house that was surround by tall dense trees.

Isaac had slowly and quietly sneaked around the house before he came up to the side of the house, where a long rope hung out from the side of a window. Isaac had quickly glanced around himself before he grabbed the rope and slowly and as quietly as he could, he climbed up the rope and opened the window where the rope was attached to, before quietly slipping into the room the window lead to. Isaac, when he had landed onto the ground when slipping into the room, quietly shut the window, before staying quiet and taking a deep breath, proud that he had once again sneaked out of the house. At least he had thought he had a sneaked out without getting caught, but all of a sudden the light in the room had switched on.

Isaac had turned so fast, his head had started to spin. Fear had spiked all the way into him, when he met the furious eyes of his father, Vincent. Vincent stood in the doorway of a bedroom, most likely Isaac's, his expression on his face furious as he stared at his eldest son. Isaac noticed that Vincent was still wearing his clothes that he had worn when left for work this morning. Isaac gulped as he took a small step away from his father in fear, already fearing what his father had planned for him, sneaking out.

"How long, have you been doing this. Sneaking out." Vincent growled out, through clenched teeth. Isaac could just see the fire burning behind his father's eyes.

Isaac gulped again, taking a deep breath, before whispering out a small, "For a couple months now."

Isaac took a big step back from his father, his back hitting up against a wall as he watched his father march up to him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, and pushing him up against the wall.

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