Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

First Real

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After the whole Isaac bumping into those too model hot teenagers, he had quickly went over and handed Harry his schedule before rushing to his first class, not even caring if he was on of the first people there. His first class was AP French Language and Culture, with Mrs. Reyes. Isaac was one of the first people to get to class, quickly heading over to the teacher for her to sign the pink slip he was supposed to turn into the main office at the end of the day. Mrs. Reyes had told him he could go sit next to a girl named Heather Sparrow, who was the only other person in the class bedsides him and the teacher. The girl Heather had on a business like outfit and look on her face, she sat there in her seat, fixing and straining all the papers she had. Isaac slowly slid into the next to her, noticing that she didn't even look his way, at least not until he placed the book that the teacher had given him, was slightly on her side of the table.

"Don't do that!" Heather whispered yelled, making Isaac jump and drop the pencil he had in his hand to hit the tiled cool floor of the classroom.

"D-do what?" Isaac asked, stuttering on his words as he tried to focus on what he might have done.

Heather looked at his pointedly, her brown eyes hard, as she pointed to his book. "Keep your stuff to your own side of the table, I have worked very hard on fixing my papers and stuff."

Isaac looked at her with wide eyes, before nodding his head. "Sorry, I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't, that's what all new kids that Forks never gets say." Heather rolled her eyes, then stuck out her hand. "Heather Sparrow, school president and head of almost every club in this school, and you are?"

Isaac raised his hand with much hesitation, before gently grabbing her hand and shook it. "I'm Isaac Foster, I'm staying with Officer Tyler Bennett for just a couple months. Me and my little brother, Harry."

Heather nodded her head. "I see, well it's good Officer Bennett has finally, and hopefully, found some happiness in his life again. Now if you excuse me, class is about to begin. So shush up and concentrate on the lesson."

Isaac nodded his head, then turned to the front of the classroom and waited for more students to come to class and for the lesson to start.

Not long after the class had ended, making Isaac pack up all of his stuff and head to his next class which was Calculus, and it had passed by very fast, making Isaac head to his 3rd period class, which was British Literature that Isaac had loved taking in his Junior year. He walked into the classroom, noticing that everyone in the class was already here. Nicole who had Calculus with him, walked by to get to his seat, giving his a thumbs up before sitting down. Isaac headed over to the teacher, Mrs. Arnett, who took his slip of paper and signed it.

"Here you go, you can go and sit by Miss. Hale in the empty seat." Mrs. Arnett said, pointing to the only empty seat by the girl that he had bumped into in the front of the school. Isaac gulped, having a slight panic attack in the inside, before going over and slowly sliding into the seat next to the blonde. Isaac set down his bag next to him, looking up at the front of the classroom when the lesson began.

He glanced to the right of himself at the blonde when he felt eyes on him. He saw the blonde quickly avert her eyes and listened to the lesson. Isaac looked at her for a couple more seconds before looking away, just noticing her clench her pale, almost white hand into a fist. Isaac instinctively from his childhood, moved his seat slightly away from her, fearfully putting his head down and looking up at the teacher.

After that class, Isaac's other classes went by pretty fast, and soon Isaac found himself walking into the cafeteria with Nicole. Nicole lead him over to a table by the windows, where several people Isaac recognized and didn't. Isaac recognized Heather Sparrow from his 1st period class, who looked up at him, gave him a nod, and then went back to her book. The other person was a shy boy named, August Wentworth that Isaac had in his last class.

"Everyone I want to introduce you too, Isaac Foster. He's one of the new kids here, so be nice." Nicole said, giving certain people sitting at the table a warning look. "And Isaac, this is Dakota Sharp, or Sharp is what he likes to go by. This Anika Simmons, the fashionista queen of Forks High School. And last but not least, Caroline Rose, one of her know it all's, aside from Heather."

Isaac said hi to the people he was just introduced to, taking a seat beside Nicole and Caroline. Isaac sat and ate his food that he had gotten from the lunch line, eating and listening to the conversations being said at the table. Isaac looked up and stared out the window at the slight poor of rain coming down, when he noticed them. The model like teenagers, but know there was several more.

"Who are those guys?" Isaac asked softly, catching the ears of Caroline and Nicole. Nicole's eyebrows furrowed together, while a slight smile made it's way onto Caroline's face.

"Those are the Cullen's. The family that is very hot, but keeps to themselves." Caroline answered, looking towards the outside door of the lunchroom that opened, which two of the Cullen's came inside. "They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here to Forks from somewhere in Alaska a few years ago."

"They usually keep to themselves, because they're all together together, like a romantic thing." Nicole stated, looking over at Isaac and Caroline. "The big dark haired guy is Emmett, and he's in a relationship with the brown haired girl, Anastasia."

Isaac nodded his head slightly, trying to gain this information in his head. 'So the dude I ran into before is Emmett Cullen, okay.' Isaac thought, thinking back to the morning when bumping into him.

"And, the two people who just walked in is Alice, the little dark haired girl, she's really weird. And the blond guy is Jasper Hale, the one who looks like he's in pain all the time." Nicole added, looking over and watched as Jasper twirled Alice around when walking to their table. That's when Isaac noticed those two, one of them being the girl from earlier.

"And who are those two?" Isaac asked, a dazed look on his face when he watched the two teens walk in.

"That is Edward Cullen and Rosalie Hale, the only two of their family who is single." Caroline said, the smile on her face growing wider. "There both very hot, and supposedly to good for anyone in this High School... or all of Forks. So don't even try to talk to either of them, 'cause they will just reject you like everyone else in this town."

"I wasn't gonna even try." Isaac quickly stated, averting his eyes from the two and looking at Caroline, who rose an eyebrow but shaking her head and returning to the conversation she was in with Anika.

Isaac looked down at his food, but looked up towards the table where the Cullen's sat, meeting the golden eyes of Rosalie Hale. Isaac stared into them, a chill running up his spine at the cold look on Rosalie's face. One he was finally able to, Isaac looked away from her gaze and joined the conversation Nicole was having with August, but he almost never felt the stare of Rosalie Hale had on him until the end of lunch.

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