enter the ruins if you dare

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the runes speak the words of long ago of the symbols on the stones the warning is red."the one who enters may not come back out for the monster of the ruins is the only thing you should fear." the ruins loom over you the fear is over whelming. every step you take seems to ring out in the darkness. the farther you go the louder your steps seem to get. as you get further the the smell of a dank damp cave fills your nostrils. you step on something it gives a loud crack. as you investigate further you see it was a pile of bones. lucky for you they are not fresh. you step over the now broken bones and walk further in the ruins. the cave water drips onto your head and in your hair . you flick your ears to get the water off. a loud growl sounds through the cave. your tail slips between your legs as you shake in fear. it becomes apparent to you that the cave air has become stifling. your mind is telling you to run. but your body is telling you to continue. you follow your instincts and head deeper into the ruins. the air is hard to breath as you head deeper into the forbidden cavern. you stop dead in your tracks. the darkness in front of you like a wall. you touch it.the wall moves you relize it is not a wall. the monster looks at you red eyes as evil as they come. the monster senses your fear and smiles the teeth of the beast are sharp and seem to glow in the everlasting blackness. " i am the gardian of Silvane and the items that you seek are not here turn back now" it bellows. it loud voice bouncing off the cave walls. " no im not going away" you said hand on your sword. " you dare challenge me puny dragon." it yells anger clearly herd. you pull out your sword and point it at the beast. " i shall pass you if it is the last thing i do father" you said to your dad. you raised the sword and ran at him. her blocked it with his hand. " have at me you foul beast" you called out the sword seemed to glow as the wind picked up. " STAR VAIN" you yelled as the light became to bright and you ran past the monster. at last the jewels of the ancients are there before you. a voice echoes from the darkness. " the stone you seek is one of these chose wisely or the punishment will be devistating." it said. you looked at the stones the right one not in the place you first thought. you looked up and saw the answer. your wings lifted you up and you grabbed the stone. and exited the ruins. you held the stone up to the sunlight. " it over for shadria"

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