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Song: I Don't Even Care About You by Missio

    "I'll be back Mom." Eric said, standing from his seat at the couch. He set down his now clean plate.
    "Okay sweetheart." Liane said, continuing watching T.V. and eating.
    Eric went up to the bathroom. He'd just eaten three steaks, a whole bag of chips, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and a large piece of cake. He looked down at his body, feeling absolutely miserable. He felt like he gained at least another hundred pounds from all of that. He just went over to the mirror now and looked at his pathetic body.
    In elementary school, Eric had a lot more fat than he does now in high school. He's lost quite some weight since then, and was 5'9 at 180 lbs. He was still pretty pudgy, but the weight loss was apparent. Nobody really knew what caused him to lose weight; not even his own mother knew. But, nobody questioned it. He didn't seem to have any problem with his weight now. It seemed like he could just eat and eat and eat, and then just not gain any weight after that. Some people even got jealous of that.
    But Eric would change himself and how he looked for anything.
    Soon enough, Eric got in the shower. Liane had no worries about this; Eric's hygiene was even getting better, since he was showering and brushing his teeth a lot more. She never questioned him on why, just congratulated him on this once he did start to do it.
    Although, the thing was, despite how much Eric brushed his teeth, they seemed to almost be eroding away. But she was proud of him for trying, nonetheless.
    Liane was generally very unaware of the struggles her son was going through. She was so oblivious that she could never hear the gags coming from the bathroom.

    Eric was in school, and was in yet another argument with someone. It shockingly wasn't with Kyle; it was with Bebe Stevens. The two had hooked up recently, and Eric hadn't made an effort of contact her again. But, this was pretty normal for him if he just wanted to fuck someone. Bebe, however, was not happy about this.
    "Well what'd you expect me to do, marry you?" Eric asked calmly, rolling his eyes.
    "You never even replied to my texts afterwards, Eric!" Bebe yelled, clenching her fists.
    "Yeah, so? That was just a one time thing, blondie." Eric grumbled.
    "You blocked my number!!"
    "You were filling up my notifications."
    "Ugh! You're such a player, Cartman! You're no better than you were in 4th grade! You're even worse than before!"
    "And you're more of a whore than you were before, Bebe." Eric grinned a bit.
    "What the fuck is wrong with you, fat ass?!"
    Although feeling a tiny bit of pain, Eric brushed over this. "Hey, you rode this fat ass's dick." Everyone laughed as Bebe stormed away, angry and humiliated. Eric went back to playing on his phone like nothing had happened. Kyle, Stan and Kenny were all sitting with him.
    "Dude, don't you think that was kinda harsh?" Stan asked, looking at Eric.
    "No, you're just saying that because that's your girlfriend's best friend or whatever." He replied.
    "Yeah, no I agree, that was pretty messed up." Kyle said.
    "Well you're a Jew, so your opinion doesn't matter." Kyle rolled his eyes at this.
    "Well Kenny, what do you think?" Kyle then asked.
    Kenny shrugged. "It's not that bad considering Cartman's level." He said under his orange parka.
    "See? Kenny knows what I'm talking about." Eric said, still not looking at any of them.
    Stan sighed. "Whatever, fat ass. I'll be back." He picked up his bag and went to the bathroom. This just left Eric sitting there, and Kyle and Kenny talking. 
    Eric began to get bored, so just put his phone away. It was then that he saw someone coming right up to him. It was Butters. Kyle and Kenny looked at him.
    "Hey guys." Clyde greeted them. Eric sighed just at his presence.
    "What do you want, Clyde?" Eric asked, annoyed.
    "I was just wondering if I could sit with you guys." Clyde said. He didn't have many people to hang out with, as his three closest friends had all died within the past 2 months.
    "Get out of my face, Clyde." Eric said coldly.
    "Dude!" Kyle scolded him.
    "What? I don't want this faggot right in my face." Eric stated, hurting Clyde a bit.
    "Oh, it's fine, well I really don't have to-"
    "No, it's fine dude, you can sit with us." Kenny cut him off.
    "Oh, okay, cool."Clyde sat down next to Kenny. Eric just sighed in response.
    At this point, Eric just stopped listening to their conversation. It seemed pointless to him. In his mind, he saw himself superior to Clyde in most ways. Most... But nonetheless, Eric thought he was just a crybaby and a wimpy fag, and nothing more than that. But, then again, he didn't think very highly of anyone. Especially the girls. How could he? If he thought too highly of them, he's fall in love. And why the fuck would he ever want to do that?
Once Eric got back home from school, he already had plans. Since his mom was out of the house again, he was bringing home another girl. This time, it was Heidi Turner. The good thing about hooking up with her was that she knew to leave after. And she wouldn't try to get into a relationship or anything with him afterwards. Not after elementary school.
Eric really just needed something to fuck, so brought her over. Plus, Liane wasn't going to be home any time soon, so he might as well have his friends over afterwards. So, that's exactly what he did. He had Heidi over for around an hour, and they fucked. Eric barely felt any lust as he did so, being more depressed than anything. But, at this point, it was something he was used to.
Soon enough, around 3:30, Heidi was leaving. As she put on her jacket, she said to Eric, "Just tell me if you want to do anything again."
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Eric grumbled, sitting on the couch. She left without saying anything else while Eric texted Stan, Kyle and Kenny to come over.
As Eric waited, he went to the kitchen and got a shit ton of food. He didn't know if the others were hungry, but he was. And hell, if they wouldn't eat it, he definitely would. He, depressed, was generally just hungry, and wanted some sort of comfort. And at that moment, it came from the food he ate.
Kenny, Kyle and Stan soon knocked on the door.
"It's open!" Eric shouted from the couch. He was currently eating a bag of pretzels.
"Hey fat ass." Kyle said as they all sat down with him.
"Hey Jew."
"Agh, dude, why does it smell like cum?" Stan then asked, slightly sniffing the air.
"Oh, I just had Heidi over." Eric briefly explained.
"Are you sure any of this is okay?" Kyle then asked. "Like, you're just hooking up with almost every girl. Have you been doing okay?"
"Why would you care, Jew boy? Kenny does it too." Eric said, not looking at them.
"It's not good for either of you." Stan said.
"Yeah, say the ones who smoke and drink..." Kenny muttered. The group went silent for a moment after that.
"You guys hungry?" Eric asked as he got up and went to the kitchen. They all just replied with a simple "yes".

The boys stayed over for a while, where they mostly just ate and watched T.V. for a while. Some time later, when they were all done eating, Eric stood up. "I'll be back." He mumbled, going to the bathroom.
Eric felt awful. He had eaten too much again. He felt so much fatter than he already was. He couldn't gain any more weight. He already failed with how much he had eaten, so he just had to get rid of it all.
Eric lifted the lid of the toilet and kneeled down in front of it. He then shoved his fingers down his throat and gagged. He tried to keep this sound at a minimum to avoid letting the others hear him. They couldn't know how weak Eric truly was.
This all went on for at least 15 minutes, and that was when the three became a bit concerned.
"Should we go check on him?" Kyle asked, looking at Stan and Kenny. They shrugged.
"1 2 3 not it." Stan started.
"Not it."
"Not- dammit." Kyle said, standing. "Alright, be right back."
Kyle walked to the bathroom door. Once there, he heard gagging and something go into the toilet. Either Eric was taking a really bad shit, or...
"Cartman, what's going on? Are you sick?"
Eric froze right in his place. His fingers were right down his throat with his knuckles raw and vomit in the toilet in front of him. He was like a deer in headlights, feeling like he couldn't move. After a couple seconds, Kyle just opened the door and looked in. This was the position he saw Eric in briefly before he pulled his hand out of his mouth.
Kyle froze now as well. "Cartman..." He sais slowly, opening the door more. "What... What are you doing...?"
"I just... I uh... Food poisoning..." Eric said, vomit still in his mouth. This made Kyle feel more sick.
"Dude... Is this how you-"
"Get out Kyle..."
"No, dude, this is fucking serious... This isn't okay..."
Stan and Kenny then made their way over as well and saw what was happening. They froze as well. It was right then that Cartman just busted out into tears. He covered his face with his hands.
Eric was anything but fine. Especially now that they finally knew, after 5 fucking years.

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