Leon The Champion

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*Leon and Violetta walked until they reached the motocross*

Violetta: Leon, what are we doing here?

Leon: We are here for you to prove to me the real bad girl you are.

Violetta: *looking confused* Okay... But what does motorbikes have to do with it?

Leon: If you can pull off some tricks on the track, you will officially prove me wrong. If not, you have to wear girly clothes for a whole month.

Violetta: It's so on. Watch how you will be wronged.

*Violetta rolled the sleeves of her leather jacket up and jumped full of adrenaline*

Leon:Let's get you geared up then.

*They walk over to the track where Leon's bike and helmet was placed.*

Leon: Beat my best time. *Pointing towards the scoreboard*

Violetta: What do you mean 'yours'?

Leon: This is my bike and my fastest score. Try and beat it... if you can.

Violetta: I never knew you did motocross.

Leon: There's a lot of things people don't know about me. *He flicks up his collar*

Violetta: Oooo mysterious. Well bad boy Leon, get ready for me to kick your butt out there. I think we should jazz this up a bit and you and me race.

Leon: Okay. I'll go easy.

*They prepare themselves for the race. The alarm to starts goes off. Leon races ahead as Violetta still is at the start line trying to switch the bike on.*

*Leon laps the track and stops where Violetta was still stuck*

*He starts laughing at her*

Violetta: Don't just stand there, help!

*Leon turns the key in the opposite direction and bike starts*

Leon: Not so clever are you?


*Violetta races ahead as Leon tries to catch up.*

*Violetta completes one lap, Leon not so far behind her. Just at the last 100m, Leon accelerates towards the finish line beating Violetta by an inch*

*Leon imitates crowds screaming whilst Violetta rolls her eyes*

Leon: And the winner is...

Violetta: You. Get over it.

Leon: You're just annoyed at how you are going to have to explain to Diego that you want to wear your new clothes.



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