Sprüche - Sayings ❤

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~Freundlich zu jemanden zu sein, den du nicht magst, bedeutet nicht falsch zu sein. Es bedeutet, erwachsen genug den Menschen zu tolerieren.

~ The more I think of it, the more I realize there are no answers. Life is to be lived. - Marilyn Monroe

~ If you're bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals. -Lou Holtz

~ Trenne dich nie von deinen Illusionen. Wenn sie fort sind, existierst du zwar noch, aber du wirst aufgehört haben zu leben.

~The best things in life are unseen,

that's why we close our eyes

when we kiss, laugh and dream.


First of all, Thank you so much for voting my story

And for 2K reads?!?

Are you kidding me? I never expected so many Reads or Votes.

So, Thank you all and go on with Voting and Reading ❤

Love you all


And if you have any wishes or ideas for Chapters, like Disney, Song Lyrics/Quotes, Celebrity Quotes, Life, Love, ...

Please pm me or write it down under that Chapter as a comment.

Have a lovely day/night ❤

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