What would you do if I... kissed you

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"Come on man we gotta go. Think of all the hot chicks that'll be there" Benny said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling I got when he said hot chicks.

"For the millionth time, I'm not going to some dumb school dance" I replied defiantly, throwing a pillow at Benny for effect.

He caught it midair and whipped it back at me, hitting me square in the face.

"Come on man, please E"

I made a conscious decision not to look at his face, knowing I could never say no to his puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not gonna be that loser who shows up to a school dance alone"

I said smirking inwardly at that lie. I couldn't care less about going to a party alone but I knew something would for sure happen at that party that I can't stand. Benny would be flirting with a pile of girls and I, due to my protective instincts about my best friend, would become very annoyed. With an unsettling feeling in my chest all night. The last time this happened Sarah noticed and asked me about it.

*Le flashback to a party 3 months ago*

I was watching Benny dancing with some blonde bimbo, an agitating feeling right beside my heart when Sarah approached me.
"Hey dorkzilla what's up"
She said nudging me with her shoulder.
"Huh, oh it's nothing. I'm sure"
"Come on you can trust me E" I looked at her out of the corner of my eye before sighing.
"Ok fine but not here" I led her to an empty room and flopped down on the bed. She stood off to the side with her arms crossed.
"Well" she asked. I sighed and sat up.
"Well I don't know. I just can't stand seeing Benny asking out all these girls, especially when they say yes. Thankfully that's like never. I think it's some weird protective best friend thing but like he seems happy with these girls and I can't help but feel annoyed and...." I trailed off looking for the right word.
"Jealous" Sarah supplied, cocking one eyebrow.
"Pfft what no not jealous. It's not like I like him... like that" I said, as soon as the words were out of my mouth I stopped to consider them. I was quite possessive over Benny and he is definitely my best friend but did I want more. Yes. No. Maybe. I love Benny, but can I be sure that there is no homo in that sentence.
"You don't sound so sure about that"
"I'm not" Sarah studied me for a long moment before speaking again.
"I always thought you were gay" she said decisively.
"What no! Not gay. I'm not even sure I like Benny like that" I was doubting the words as they came out of my mouth. Sarah just rolled her eyes.
"Ok maybe a little gay.... but just for Benny" I said quickly hopping up from the bed. Sara just laughed and shook her head before exiting the room as leaving me alone in my semi-gay panic.

*End of le flashback*

Ok so there was a very small chance the feeling was jealousy and I felt it cause I might like, like Benny. But I still doubt that. Or wish I did.

"What if we went together?" Benny suggested winking at me.

I started coughing and felt my face heat up.

"I'm sorry, what"

"Go together, like each other's dates. Now you don't have an excuse not to come"

Benny looked immensely proud of this deduction and I couldn't help but smile.

"And you don't have a problem with two guys being each other's dates" I asked jokingly.

Benny's face immediately hardened and my smile was quickly replaced with a sense of dread.

"No I don't. And if you do I don't think I want to have you as a friend anymore"

I couldn't help but laugh at that last part. I saw hurt flash across Benny's face and I quickly realized my mistake.

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