Shitite Teet

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I'm Arabella. This is my story...
*someone crashes through the ceiling*
Someone: hey I'm Shitite. Shitite Teet Davis.  Screw Arabella, this is my story now bih!
*Arabella runs away fearfully*
Shitite: Oh my name? Yeah my moms thought it'd be funny so they named me after their favorite things.  I have a little brother named Leon Sean Davis.  What a lame name, Leon. Get out here little bro!
*Leon prances onstage like a half paralyzed horse*
Leon: What is it sister of mine?
Shitite: you're ugly.
Leon: Was that very necessary?
Shitite: Leave me alone! You're so annoying, I'm trying to tell a story!
Leon: But you just-
*Shitite takes Leon by his head and dropkicks him through the ceiling*
Shitite: That'll keep him busy. So welcome to my vlog. Today I'm meeting up with friends and getting coffee. So I'm gonna do that now.
*she is walking to the coffee shop*
Shitite: So we're supposed to meet up there at 2:15 but I'm a little late. *she opens the door and enters the cafe, walks up to her friends*
Brenda: Hey Shitite! We about thought that you weren't gonna show up!
Daisy: Yeah, it's already *looks at watch* 2:22!
Shitite: Sorry, I had to clean my room. I finally found this watch under my bed. *she lifts their wrist, showing her watch*
Brenda: I like that watch. I bet it'll make all the bugs go crazy!
Daisy: Bugs?
Brenda: oh, I-i meant boys haha!
Shitite: ok.
*they all order coffee*

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